
None of those things guarantee that you won’t get sick. But you know that already.

Really, huh remind me of the start of the pandemic, when we had multiple countries going with COVID zero, and attended it.

I know you have no sympathy for anyone. That is clear. You are a blame-the-victim type.

Deaths stopped? When? Having the vaccine reduces the symptoms, but doesn’t stop the ability to spread the disease. Again - as long as it’s OK for you then the deaths of others is acceptable, right?

All that is true. I just can’t with adults that grew old but never up. They weren’t being asked to walk on hot coals, through broken glass, made to load their own luggage, etc. All they had to do was wear a piece of cloth or paper over their mouth and nose for a couple hours while seated beside people from all over

You’re far from crazy or needing therapy. You’re probably the most evidence-based and logical person in this thread, and the one most likely to remain healthy and avoid COVID.

So weird how many supposed car people are opposed to putting a filter over their air intake.

Why is the state of Florida so hateful to random people?

N95 are not ubiquitous. The N95 is doing more work protecting others than it is protecting you.

Let people make their own decisions on risk.

Let’s put this another way. On this flight, at the beginning, when everyone was masked, if they wore them then entire flight, and the person next to you had covid, you only had a 1-2% of getting it. By the end of this flight, if you “chose” to keep your mask on and the person next to you didn’t, your chances of

Let people make their own decisions on risk.

Get ready for another round of mass flight cancelations due to flight crews getting sick.

People act like wearing a mask for a couple hours on an air conditioned plane where you sit in your seat for 99% of the time is so insufferable.

Deeply stupid country

Truly love how as a society, we have our house on fire, and are constantly deciding to send the fire department home, and remove any fire preventing measures; sprinklers, fire resistant material to our home.

Next week headline. "flight attendant singing masks off song gets covid, says if he knew it would have been so bad, he wouldn't have celebrated."

From my cold, dead hands.

F*ck this guy. The only reason the mandate was lifted was a Trump-appointed  judge in (::retch::) Florida. You cram me in a small metal tube with limited air circulation and a bunch of people, I’m wearing my damn mask.

It’s fucked up that they did this midflight, with people that only felt comfortable flying because everyone was going to wear masks and that ended midflight in a space they didn’t have the option of leaving (like a restaurant or store). I was on a flight on Sunday with a child and we wouldn’t have flown without