
Not sure what’s in the video, but my most frustrating feature is/ always will be the loss of actual buttons/ dials to a touch screen.
I love large displays. I love the idea of cars with large in dash media displays. Hell, I wish the one in my car was larger.
But I absolutely hate having to use a touch screen to

Rob, the ST4 is older than the ST3, which was made from 2003-2007.

And the newer ST3 isn’t meaningfully down on power compared to the ST4 - 103 hp vs 107hp.


It feels like the designers were tasked to give the executives 3 choices. So they made one really boring, one really ugly and one which was the design they wanted to be chosen.

I don’t think you understand what it means to claim you’re an advocate for free speech, and then fire people for exercising it. 

It’s hypocritical for Musk to claim to be a free speech absolutist and then fire people for their speech. Doesn’t matter that he’s legally allowed to fire them.

The point is that it’s pretty rich for someone to talk about how they’re such a free speech advocate, then fire people for criticizing them in public.

Just when I thought cars couldn’t possibly get more complicated, they go and do something like this... and... totally redeem themselves?!

It’s really the shitty behavior that ruins luggage carousels. If everyone just stood a decent bit back, it wouldn’t be a problem. But everyone crowds right at the drop chute. Just stand the fuck back and wait till you see your god damn bag. Then walk up and grab it.

That BMW is HIDEOUS! There’s boxy and hard edge and futuristic utility that can all make for great car designs, but the lines/proportions still have to be right. That thing just doesn’t work. It’s like it’s off just enough in enough places that as a whole it looks horrible.

The trouble is, a Model T was lightyears better than a horse. An EV is not lightyears better than a reasonably fuel efficient ICE car, and IMHO objectively MUCH WORSE than a good PHEV for most people.

Hear, hear! monomaniacal fixation on a single solution to the exclusion of all others leads to disaster. We need multiple paths, multiple ecological niches. Battery vehicles charged by wind and solar is a narrow dead end street.  

metal coil springs are not heavy .... also they just about never need to be replaced. This just seems like a way to cost cut for the manufacturer and pocket the difference while also introduce “planned obsolescence” because there is no way these plastic slinkys are lasting over 60k miles. 

And Texas can’t carry the load of summer heat plus a shitload of EVs plugging in. I’ll assume Cali is next for those restrictions. 

No shit. Once again, I plead you all to realize that batteries are not, and will never be the answer.

San Francisco. SF would be more extreme than Detroit 

“Too bad about your son’s injury.”

Agreed. I think that if anyone is ever caught for a DUI then an interlock should be mandatory for a long, long time, if not permanently. But there are a ton of people in this country who don’t drink at all or do drink responsibly 100% of the time. Forcing them to use a breathalyzer interlock every single time they

As someone that does wear a seatbelt 100% of the time, “buckle up to start” IMO is absolutely fine in concept. But I’d be very worried about what happens if the sensor fails (and it will fail). Having to get a tow to the dealer because the car thinks you’re not wearing a seatbelt seems incredibly plausible and also

Driver education and infrastructure updates are desperately needed in the US.