
When Musk works those kind of hours, raises a family and is present for family events while not neglecting his work, AND does it all for under X amount a year (depending on market), then he can talk.

I don’t want them to lobby their way out of this. I want to see if they can overcome the engineering challenges. No more shortcuts like filling body panels with sand for sound deadening.

Ding ding. Someone with a brain is here! and they like to eat.

Plates are bull shit anyways. IMO they infringe on my right to privacy. I’m not saying I shouldn’t register my car, but why must I drive around with a unique identifier? The only thing they are used for is to identify me whether they have probable cause or not.  On top of it all, if you’re rich enough, you don’t even

The steering yoke solves what problem? 

The yoke is the answer to a question absolutely nobody was asking.

More yokes? Tesla are really egging on the other carmakers...

Counter point.

He’s a piece of shit lying con artist who somehow is the most powerful person in the world -- if you don’t see a problem with that, maybe there’s a lot more that you don’t understand

I really don’t understand why this website hates this guy so much.

You’ll already have a headache from looking at it.

Mazepin talks as he races: There's a ton of spin and then in the end he misses the point.

You were right that’s a really bad idea.

False. There hasn’t been even a decent-looking 7 since the E38. It has quite literally been over two decades since you could buy a new 7-series that wouldn’t make passersby violently ill.

Are you on crack?

No, the giant grille and split lights look ridiculous.

It’s hilariously bad. Just stop.

Counter argument: No, it doesn’t.

In fact, it’s one of the best looking 7 Series models the company has ever built.”

That grille. It’s...hideous. And the rear is no better.