
It is only required for vehicles on public roads. I don’t understand why people feel entitled to speed on a public road.

LOL, yes - managing being rear-ended while at a dead stop is so easy.

Car Instagram is losing its shit today over it.

This is ALL the fault of airlines’ greed. Years ago, when seat selection was free, airlines could move seat assignments at will, which allowed them to seat people who are traveling together, together. But they wanted to upcharge for certain seats, and when people pay, you can no longer move them around. That’s why we’

That’s my issue. You can do everything 100% right but if the guy in the F150 looks down on his phone you got a one way ticket to permanent sleepy town.

Yes, bikes are more dangerous, no question about it. But the dangers are manageable. For example, it’s a good idea to check mirrors frequently, so you know what’s behind you and you can take evasive action. 

Yeah, and banking on non-American, non-European buyers, as all the luxury brands are doing these days. Luxury car buyers these days are mostly in China, where tastes in luxury are... not subtle. That’s why all the luxury cars (except maybe Audi) are all crazy goofy dramatic looking.

Eh. Motorcycles are awesome. If you have self-control and good situational awareness, they’re not particularly dangerous. I have been riding basically daily, including commuting, for 20+ years, and I haven’t died yet.

Yup, exactly, came here to say that. And the ST2 isn’t necessarily older than the ST4 - I believe they were sold concurrently.

$70K for a 22-year-old M Coupe? That’s nuts, no matter how low the mileage is!

Actually, your take is the horrendously bad take. All modern engines should have a computer controlled supercharger/turbocharger unit. F1 engines have them.

This is a horrendously bad take. Turbos are awful and a naturally-aspirated engine is always the better choice.

This is exactly how it always should have been.

I think they designed this SUV in Minecraft

Good to see that Suzuki’s car designers are different from their motorcycle designers. The car looks decent, while Suzuki’s motorcycles compete with Kawasaki’s for the most awful, incoherent, disconnected designs of all time.

Battery EVs are just so, so dumb. It’s not far from being a scam to fleece well-meaning but weak-minded people. If we want to reduce CO2 emissions from cars, a much better way to do this is to focus on scaling the production of carbon-neutral synthetic gasoline replacements. This technology already exists (and Porsche

Exactly, plastic degrades over time, which will be a MUCH larger problem than rusting springs ever have been. After a few years, these things will crack and need to be replaced. This is NOT an innovation that’s meant to be good for consumers.

San Francisco

Your 300 years of inconvenience is such an utterly meaningless statistic. I have no idea why you decided to add up all the time but sure, whatever. Is that supposed to be some sort of shock value move?

Why shouldn’t they be? You seem like someone who probably occasionally drives buzzed and who doesn’t want to be inconvenienced by the possibility that your car won’t let you do so. I’m sure you think it’s fine because you don’t do it often and feel like you are still in control when you do.