
Gay Woman Sees Bi Athlon...

Two words,

so much accord coupe back here!

And that's why people who are out of shape, obese, disabled, or coming back from an injury need a trainer. Especially people who are obese and who are physically limited in some of the things they can do. A good trainer knows how to work with that while still creating a physically challenging workout routine and

I think we're missing the point about diets here. Biggest Loser doesn't promote ridiculous fad diets. They are dedicated to teaching the contestants how to practically eat healthily. Sometimes it is hard for people to realize what it takes to eat truly healthy so we assume it's a diet. I think that Biggest loser is

It isn't torture. It is people working out in a gym.

thank u godbless i have been saying this for like 1818273748 years and apparently im just "fatphobic" no im not im a nursing student who has seen it first hand

That statement leapt out at me too. I hate that "fat acceptance" comes at the cost of deluding obese people into thinking they're perfectly healthy and will CONTINUE to be forever and ever because it's everyone ELSE'S fault that they cannot accept this (totally not absurd) truth. It's disgusting and it's dangerous.

Thanks for calling me an asshole, because name-calling is very productive. Also, thanks for telling me about poverty and eating disorders, which I know plenty about. I said "for the most part." Calm down. That's all I was saying, CALM DOWN. You are adding to Jezebel's reputation of being emotion-based instead of

Almost as stupid as saying diets don't work. I get that people want to decry body shaming, but don't go so far as to discourage people from seeking a lifestyle change. It's hard enough w/o people saying you can't/shouldn't do things.

A lot of Jezebel authors and commentators would like to believe that obesity is:

There are always exceptions, and people with actual thyroid conditions (which I completely don't doubt you have, but most overweight people do not have a medical reason) of course exist. However, I think that arguing facts with anecdotes is just kind of pointless.

yes - my comment got cut off, sorry!

I took this to mean the colloquial use of the word diet, as in "going on a diet". I completely agree that a lifestyle change - including dietary changes - is the only way to maintain weight loss.

Okay, yes, and thanks; we're just going at the same thing in different ways, is all.

In the real of U.S. possession crimes, yes. Then again, ask yourself how many people have caught misdemeanors cuz they gave the wrong "former druggie" a ride in their car and some illegal substance was dropped before a police stop.

Following people over a year and helping them change their lifestyle and habits and see the result would be more productive than trying to shove it all into a short time period. Unfortunately that is not the way TV works.

On the show, they've done medical tests and blood work on the contestants that show they have all sorts of bad stuff going on. I'm sure it's possible to be a very healthy obese person, but these people aren't it.

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