
All aboard the exaggeration train! Next stop: being offended by an inanimate object! Choo-choo!

This is hilarious.

Meanwhile, if the statue was of a hot young guy with a six pack, nobody would be complaining about fearing that the statute was going to sexually assault them.

This kind of crap is exactly why single sex schools should be banned. Not only do you have some weirdo at York University in Toronto

This one would be much more appropriate for Wellesley:

I'm not sure how this is powerful. It shows average looking or unattractive people pointing out what they'd change in order to look above average. I'd be more interested in showing conventionally attractive people with the same because at least then I'd be a little surprised because 'what, you're so perfect!'

Fuck all of you hypocritical concern trolls. Thin is just another shape.

Sure there is. Someone who's 5-4 and weighs in at 260 is quite clearly not healthy.

I made a post on groupthink yesterday, about losing 39lb through Myfitnesspal over the course of a year. I've kept the weight off for the past 9 months. This is despite having PCOS and taking appetite increasing medication. I thought this might be helpful to people.

Pretty much all I'm getting from this article and the comments is that concern trolling someone's body/weight is totally fine as long as everyone agrees that she Much. Too. Thin. 'Kay.

Im going to catch heat for this one, but I have NO IDEA why this thing exists or who would buy one.

"She's also an outlier in that at 5'4" and 105 lbs, her height-weight combination put her slightly below the threshold doctors who use the BMI scale would consider "healthy." She's also below what Weight Watchers would consider healthy for her height."

Interesting. So when it comes to overweight people, BMI is garbage

I risk sounding like a total grammar snob, but could you correct the title to "WomAn Tips Waitress..."?
Lovely story, though. :)

Reread the first two words. One woman is written womAn not womEn.

check subject/verb agreement in headline

Just put the subwoofers in an E-Type and ooohhh yeahhhh

Ahem. Red wine, 35 hour work weeks, walk and bike everywhere because your cities aren't built around cars.

Stop mandating idiot devices and fix the problem of undereducated and trained driver in the US?

I agree on all fronts. "Now what?" How bout drop it and maybe apologize to him for this article. He should feel absolutely no obligation to apologize for the actions of people he never knew or had influence over. Shame on anyone who thinks otherwise because you are clearly disillusioned.

Seriously. If he's doing racist or classist shit that's one thing and he should have to answer to that and that should not be ignored, but he can't be held responsible for the shit his ancestors did.

If you can step out of your critical race theory box for a second: most of us are raised on the (still debateable) assumption that racism is basically being shitty to another person on the basis of their race or ethnicity. Most people will live their lives without knowing any definition beyond that one, especially, he's right, though. cracker is a racist and derogatory term. Anyone who thinks it isn't is a goddamn moron.