
Yeah, a MAJOR downgrade.

Shhhh! Don't you know that this is just crackpot-science-propaganda meant Republicans or something? I mean, I know this stuff has been studied and published in reputable peer-reviewed journals and what-not, but can we really trust science - it's all just "theories" after all. The contributing factors of

Believe it or not, the claim that cigarette smoking during pregnancy might cause male homosexuality may be reality-based.

Dear GOD Jezebel needs a science writer. Somebody who actually understands research and empirical studies and scientific methods and biology and prenatal hormones and ANYTHING other than snark.

I agree. Photoshop of Jennifer Lawrence (gif) = evil because unnecessary. Photoshop of Lena Dunham= oh totally normal, nothing to be alarmed about. What gives? Both photoshops minor and unnecessary. My main problem with all of this is that a woman who has consistently been vocal about loving herself "just the way

Maybe dudes are just blissfully oblivious, in other words.

I don't think it's fine, I just think it's a non-issue. Especially given that it's Vogue. I'd have more of an issue if it were a newsmagazine doing it - say Time. I wouldn't expect anything different from Vogue (that is not a compliment to Vogue; just the opposite).

This. How do people not get this? Letting 500 yards or more of free road space go unused while everyone behind is stopping traffic trying to merge in isn't efficient. Merge situations aren't competitions, losing an extra car length of space by letting someone in in front of you isn't losing and it isn't costing you

So what he's actually saying is "we'll make up a legal reason to justify this, but keep doing exactly what we're already doing. Because it's a win/win for us. We can save face with the idiots that are actually dumb enough to believe us when we say things. And we get to hire more lawyers to go and make the legal

I wish there was someone writing for Jezebel who actually had a basic understanding of photography and the process of retouching because no, they just balanced the whites.

It is crazy because lane splitting reduces congestion and keeps riders safer. Apparently you can't get past your line mentality to see that motorcyclists splitting will also get you to your destination sooner.

This is utterly gross. Ew.

I hate these new cars with huge touchscreens (Tesla, Ford, GM, I'm looking at you) that make you look away so you know what you are touching.

Amen! Every time I get into the parent's XC70 I think the same. So clean. So useful. I don't have to think about changing the radio (I'm looking at you iDrive). It just makes sense. You really don't have to remove your eyes from the road to fumble around with crap...

Simplicity. Lightweight. Reliability. Those are the first three reasons that come to mind as to why I prefer NA engines.

My dad owns an 2012 S60 (just like that one but with the beige leather interior) and it is so practical. Everything is clean and within reach. The knobs work. No fussy touchscreens. Clearly labeled buttons. I prefer function over style.

Traveling perpendicular to the wind with a canted sail and a keel.

"minimal drag so as not to affect your gas mileage"

This device MUST produce less energy than the drag caused by pushing it through the air. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. This might be a nice thing to put on your car while parked on a windy day - assuming it can track the wind.

Motorcycles/bikes (depending on distance) ftw.