
Damage to roads scales like the fourth power of vehicle weight. Meaning that a car that weight 8,000 lbs does 16x the amount of damage to the road surface as a 4,000 lbs car. So not only should Bentley not succeed in their lobbying effort, but we should put weight limits on cars.

This. The fundamental problem is that the established legal precedent and social conventions related to privacy (or lack thereof) come from a time where the technology for mass surveillance simply didn’t exist. Back then, having prominent license plates on cars struck the right balance between individual privacy and

Sure, but there is a difference between “no expectation of privacy” as in, “someone can overhear what you’re saying”, and as in “a government can easily monitor where anyone is at any time” - which is enabled by license plates.

So NYC’s plan to lower pedestrian deaths from traffic is to... put up billboards that shift drivers’ attention from driving to looking at billboards?

they won’t need any surgery

weighs the same 388 pounds

Yokes on cars are insane. Like, why??? What’s wrong with a steering wheel? It’s literally a solution looking for a problem. A problem that doesn’t exist.

They gotta start somewhere. In 25 years EVs will probably be better than ICEs in almost every way. But now, they still have a lot of spaghetti to throw against the wall.

EV makes “Corvette” irrelevant. Sport cars are meant to handle well and the heavy weight of an EV is the exact opposite of that. Sure, an EV can be made to accelerate quickly, but a heavier car will always handle worse than a lighter car. 

The problem with the rotary is that it’s basically a 2 stroke

The fact that some subscriptions seem “reasonable” is the wedge that manufacturers will use to later push subscriptions for things that now feel totally unreasonable. This won’t end well. Manufacturers aren’t doing this to make things nicer and cheaper for customers - they are making this to extract more money out of

Oh god no. Turbos are bad enough on cars, let’s keep them away from motorcycles. There is just no need for forced induction on a motorcycle. A larger naturally-aspirated engine won’t weigh that much more than a smaller turbo or supercharged engine, so the downsides of more complexity, worse reliability, crappy sound,

Yeah, and it looks SO much worse than the Photoshop mockup that gets rid of the bi-level lights.

You can still get it, but it won’t matter. Any more than all the other common diseases that make people sick every day.

No - the country made a conscious decision that we just couldn’t possibly close all of the restaurants- that at some level commerce must go on - so we compromised

Yeah, but they all look so bad (except maybe the Golf). The Mazda 3 looks awesome, so if it had more power it would be so cool!

This is the problem: even lots of pro-mask people are willing to take their mask a dozen times for drinking, and maybe for 30 minutes to eat a sandwich (with extra onions) that they bought at the airport. After half the airplane does this, then is masking really that effective?

But they were all wearing masks. How is that possible?

I think its when the restaurants were allowing everyone to sit at tables with no masks, thats when i realized the mask thing was not really doing anything any longer.

Get ready for another round of mass flight cancelations due to flight crews getting sick.