
-Poorly fitting cloth masks on planes actually do anything to stop the spread.

Once vaccines and high quality masks became widely available, any adult could take their risk basically to zero.

No fan of Musk, but I think what he’s trying to say is that he’s confident that they can reach this supposed ‘1 million Martians’ target because a lot of people could afford a $100 000 if they really wanted to or needed to. And yes, I’m sure there are a million people on the planet - hell, in America - that could, if

So we punish the >90% who have no concern with the virus to protect the tiny minority of people who do? How about the people at risk take more precautions..? None of it ever made sense. I’m glad happy go lucky, save everyone, people like you exist but y’all shouldn’t be making the rules. Look at the disaster its

So....should the government require you to exercise and eat right? Ban McDonalds?

Hospitalization rates for covid are very low AND flat or declining everywhere even as cases are on the rise over the last couple months. There is zero reason to continue significant restrictions with widely available vaccines, boosters and effective treatments.

Or don’t. We don’t care how many people die from it. The effects of Covid-19 or the effects of the vaccines, because one of the effects fo the vaccine(s) is that you still get Covid-19. I don’t care about other people’s lives. I have been wearing a mask every time I go out in public and guess what.... I still caught

Yeah, the red one looks like a Corvette with a milk mustache.

Protip: let people enjoy things. You can avoid looking like a dummy by not offering party-pooper opinions where they have 0 value.

I’m sorry, but this is just sad. Motorcycles are all about light weight and agility, and electric motorcycles are just about the exact opposite of that. EVs are bad, and they are even worse when forced onto motorcycles. Let’s not pretend that EV motorcycles are anything other than a shitty compromise, forced on us by

You assess your risk, I’ll assess mine.

My experience is that 99.9% of people are smart enough to wear a mask in a crowded area. I expect for months, possibly years after the mask mandate is lifted, that many if not most people will mask up. The only difference is that the stupid people will no longer have an excess of stupid prizes to distribute to

While my CBR929 definitely came to life between 7000-11000, it had enough torque below it that it accelerated a constant 10 km/h per second in highest gear all over the spectrum.

In the second photo, am I seeing exhaust headers right next to the radiator? Such brilliant design! /s

F1 cars. Those things are way looooong and they keep getting longer. Why the hell is a race car longer than a Cadillac Escalade?

No only are people driving faster, but jackrabbit starts are becoming the norm where drivers are flooring it from stop signs and traffic lights.

This. This is a problem only because the delivery companies are exploiting workers, so they can pretend that delivery is cheap (and compete with other delivery companies on price). They pay next to nothing to workers, so they can claim “hey, delivery is so cheap, use DoorDash!” (or whatever other shitty company). This

Didn’t Harley announce a 975 bike years ago?

Modern 975 cc twin should pump out 180HP + at 10K+ RPM

The positive engine modifications could be increased compression and advanced timing, similar to running 101-octane petrol, so you have significantly increased power production and fuel economy. Again, this is why the racers like it.