
Watch the video all the way through, then we can chat.

We already have 10%-15% of ethanol in all our gas, so changing from corn ethanol to switchgrass ethanol wouldn’t help reduce CO2 emissions any further without increasing ethanol concentration, which can’t be done without modifying vehicles. But replacing the fossil gasoline with synthetic gasoline will reduce CO2

Came here to say this. A pilot line for a new process is never going to be as cost effective or efficient as a full scale operation.

This makes so much more sense than a fully electric infrastructure for the reasons you mentioned. We’ve got a liquid fuel distribution infrastructure that spans the globe already. I don’t see any reason that infrastructure couldn’t be utilized to distribute syn-fuel.

Why not just use switchgrass ethanol?

Yeah, the car just looks alive, moving all over the place. And no flappy paddles, for all the shifts he has to take his right hand off the wheel, rev match, etc.

Will probably keep the two 2011's forever. Peak BMW, IMHO.

Just wait until they start changing dates on comments, too.

“Cyclist makes a dumb pass, and the car pulling out has next to no chance of seeing them.”

The solution to this problem is for more people to ride motorcycles.

How are any of those the cyclist’s fault?

Isn’t the routine maintenance on a KTM ridiculous though? Lot of work.

No, the OP is looking for a bike that’s fun on the road, that can handle 3 miles of gravel. The T7 is much more off-road focused than what he’s looking for.

A KTM Adventure is the right answer here, and probably the newer 1190 rather than the 990. The 990 would be better off-road, but it sounds like Ted wants something that’s good on the road, with 0ff-road only a secondary consideration. Or a Ducati Multistrada if he wants to move even more in the direction of on-road.

If there is still plenty of bin space available - sure. But if space is running out, you bet I’m putting my bag in the first available space I see, because there may not be space available further back in the plane, and then I’ll lose that space to the person behind me and get stuck having to check my bag (adding

Why does Craigslist need an app? It works perfectly fine in a mobile browser - I don’t see at all what the advantage of an app would be. Same as with IMDB nagging me to install their app - why the hell would I ever want to do that? In most cases, most services work perfectly fine in a mobile browser. Companies like

And that’s one reason why EVs are a dead end. It won’t be financially viable to build enough public chargers, and if EVs ever see increased adoption, EV owners will see massive waits at the chargers that are available. This is already happening during high-travel times, like during holidays.

Even still, we would discontinue ICE production and move to EV. Why keep making ICE with synthetic fuels when hydrogen to electricity is more efficient?

Yeah, came here to ask the same thing. They’re recycling old, irrelevant content. Every day there is more and more reason to switch to The Drive.

Absolutely. Tokyo public transit is freaking amazing, there is just no comparison! Subways run every few minutes, so it’s not a big deal if you happen to just miss one. They run on time. They go fast. They are clean. They cover basically all of the city. It really is like magic.