
But I think we should all agree that the ACTUAL worst choice [...] is having the two damn changes a year in the first place.

The length of day is the exact same. You’re just getting up an hour later. Change your schedule.

The Ivy League in particular is plagued by classism, nepotism, and legacy admissions; which means many Ivy League grads didn’t get accepted based on academic merit, but rather because of who daddy/mommy is.

No, it’s pretty clear that EVs are poor patrol vehicles, primarily because they can’t be re-fueled quickly enough. If a cop forgets to get his EV patrol car plugged in to charge after his shift, that car can’t be used for a few hours. No such problem with a regular car. In some places cop cars can also cover long

So yet another reason to abandon the battery EV bullshit and hedge our bets a bit and invest in production of carbon-neutral fuels that can directly replace gasoline. It’s insane to me that we aren’t doing this, when it could immediately eliminate all automotive CO2 emissions by simply changing what’s coming out of

Yeah, I’m not mad about this. Apart from the BS language protecting dealer profits, we SHOULD ban OTA updates because they encourage shitty behavior from car manufacturers. With OTA updates, manufacturers can ship crappy software - or even crappy hardware - and then hope that they can fix it with OTA updates. I want

SO excited. I have followed MotoGP for years, but I haven’t really watched the last few seasons. This is going to be awesome.

Yup. I have been commuting by motorcycle for the past 20+ years, and lane-splitting for just as long. This means that I have had a basically daily view of what people do in their cars, which is much more extensive than what drivers see, both because I’m higher, so I can see what people are doing in their cars, and

*citation needed

If the drivers were good, bad roads wouldn’t be as much of a problem. Could we reduce crashes by improving roads? Sure. But we could reduce crashes by much more - even with our crappy roads - if people just paid attention to driving, practiced their situational awareness, and learned to anticipate what might happen.

We already look for and attempt to correct for human error causes

Yeah, I don’t get the fascination with the 80s. It was a time of really awful cars, motorcycles, music, hairstyles, fashion, etc. There was really nothing good or remotely interesting about the 80s. I guess the paint scheme is cool, but other than that... not an improvement on the original.

Tidal has by far the best sound quality of all those. Tidal Hi-Fi and MQA audio are amazing (with a decent sound system. Spotify sounds like on-hold music by comparison. Tidal’s playlists aren’t as good, but that’s fixable with TuneMyMusic.

Yeah, this seems a bit tooooo close to the plot of Don’t Look Up. Someone should tell Musk this wasn’t an instructional video.

The one right answer to this question is “all of them”. Newer car models are hobbled by regulations, resulting in car makers trying to sell small turbo engines. And are made even worse on top of that by car makers trying to stuff ever larger screens and ever more electronics into cars. I’d be hard-pressed to identify

Yeah, just say no to non-stick. There really isn’t any reason to use non-stick pans. If you heat up stainless steel pans properly, food won’t stick much. And good cast iron is pretty close to non-stick. The benefit of barely slightly easier cleaning isn’t worth getting cancer from non-stick coatings.

Yeah, just say no to non-stick. There really isn’t any reason to use non-stick pans. If you heat up stainless steel p

Nice. It would be awesome if we could do a swap: get Sebastien Loeb to do some bike races, and get Valentino Rossi to do some rally races.

This. We can all wish that Covid could be treated as if it were the flu, but the truth is that it’s WAY worse. People are focusing on the number of deaths, but the huge problem with Covid - including the Omicron variant - is its long-term effects. People have breathing problems, lung damage, heart damage, loss of

I’ve rented cars from Turo a couple times in the past, and the experience was awesome, way better than waiting for an hour+ in a massive line at the airport car rental counter. Car was delivered to me at the airport, I returned it to the guy at the airport, and that’s that. Someone’s single bad experience wouldn’t

I guess the good news is that this merger will mean one less horrible airline to avoid?