So the website says that some of these things require physical installation (i.e. options or trim on a car) but the site “implies” that they don’t.
So the website says that some of these things require physical installation (i.e. options or trim on a car) but the site “implies” that they don’t.
Why drivers don’t like this as much as cyclists, I have no idea...
to pass, you have to treat them like a car (leave the lane entirely, be in a passing zone, etc).
That’s exactly right. I’m annoyed at Manchin, but there is no big mystery about why he’s voting the way he is - he wants to get re-elected next time, and unless he does what he’s doing, he won’t be. Do I wish he’d do the right thing instead of just thinking about his re-election? For sure. But I’m even more mad about…
I’m thinking we should help the people living in a tent move somewhere that’s much more affordable. They don’t necessarily need to live in one of the most expensive areas of the country and state.
Pushing for more affordable housing seems to me like the wrong approach. There are limits to how many people can be squeezed into a given area, i.e. how much more housing we should build. Can a city/town decide NOT to grow any bigger? Yes, coastal California is very expensive, but there ARE other places to live. At…
Hmm the window switches in other cars I’ve had recently, like a Volvo S40 and now E90 M3, do the same thing. They do auto down/up when you press/lift all the way, and do fine-grained adjustment when you press it partially. I get that it’s a good switch, but I’m thinking that Porsche isn’t the only manufacturer that…
That looks really cool. I’m really digging the Husqvarna aesthetic. Swartpilen looks great, 701SM looks great, and now this. I like KTMs too, but this is SO much better looking than the KTM 890 Adventure it’s based on.
That’s awesome. This is a situation where electrification actually makes sense - going from badly polluting engines to EVs has the potential to greatly improve air quality in those places. I just hope that there are a lot of battery replacement stations - if people have to go across town, in crazy traffic, to get a…
Try a 15 hour flight with the seat in front of you tilted back so it’s in your lap and you can’t use your tray. Again; airplane seats should not recline.
Not so much to save weight, but to make room for squeezing in more rows. If each seatback is, say, 2" less thick, over 30 rows that adds up to enough distance saved to add another row or two of seats.
Eh. I’m 6'3" and someone reclining has never been a problem. And reclining myself helps A LOT with legroom. How long are your thighs?
I don’t know if I’d call the Pikes Peak Multi an “SUV”. It’s just a sportbike. Unlike SUVs, it doesn’t give up anything in performance. A KTM Adventure, with its much longer suspension travel and off-road wheel sizes is like an SUV, but the Pikes Peak Multi is not that different from a sportbike.
I think the obsession with low center of gravity was just on the part of marking copywriters (and perhaps uninformed buyers). Mass centralization on sport bikes? Sure. But a low center of gravity is NOT a good thing on any motorcycle because that makes it harder to steer. Motorcycles turn by steering the front wheel…
Yeah, I don’t think people realize how awful these were. A family friend, in the early 90s, had one. It was slow, had a shitty interior, and broke down all the time. It was the second-worst car on the market at that time, beaten to the worst spot only by the Yugo (which I think was still getting sold in early 90s).
Yikes, this is a sad mess. The creator(s) of this video should have taken some Ritalin (or whatever drug to deal with their ADHD) before making this, instead of the acid or crack they actually took. Was there any shot in that video that was longer than 5 seconds?
Oh god, yes! With the time change coming soon, there will be way too many idiots driving with just their dim DRLs and no rear lights. It should be illegal for the dashboard to light up in a car if only the DRLs are on, so morons at least have some sort of a signal that they need to turn their lights on as it gets dark.
Where do you keep your smartphone when you are driving? In a place where it is able to record your conversations and maybe get some GPS-reception?
Yeah, the fact that there are cars that send data about the car to the manufacturer wirelessly, and that people ACCEPT this, is freakin’ insane to me. My newest vehicle is from 2009, and if I’m ever forced to buy a new car, any kind of communication going out from the car to anyone - especially the manufacturer - would…
Funny, when a small business on Shark Tank has women in poor countries making overpriced handbags they’re “helping”, but when a large corporation has them making widgets they’re “taking advantage”.