
Doesn’t really surprise me. Most games aren’t even worth playing to begin with, so paying more than a couple of dollars for them seems like a waste.

Well that is one heck of an absolute statement. I think the people who made this game aren’t exactly as clueless or incompetent as you paint them to be.

Time and time again, De Sardet’s optimal path is one where all parties are placated. The emphasis on pleasing every faction lasts throughout, and far from being a Tyranny-esque commentary on the difficulty of facilitating change, this choice mostly feels like a lack of imagination.

I think this simply demonstrates the huge cultural divide between what America thinks self defense is, and what most other western countries count as self defense.

Should we look into ways of these things happening less. YES 100% Yes!

As a Jew I do think this is a significant detail. I really only trust other Jews or others with Jewish backgrounds to tell these kinds of stories, especially comedies.

I don’t think Americans get to call Swedish prisons inhumane. 

Fires often kill people even at the best of times, but deliberately set fires can be horrifyingly deadly. It’s not that hard to set fires near every fire exit etc.

The fuck what have we every done to anyone? 

That would be Spain. Not to defend the British, but the Spanish were the first with an empire that the sun did not set upon. 

I think rape should be treated as any other crime. If criminals remain anonymous in general it should be the same for rapists, there are few countries that do this and their justice systems have decent results. If the country is one of those where your record is a google search away, it should be the same for rape.

I guess I am so fucking used to American cops killing people over nothing that a cop shooting someone for dragging him seems basically reasonable.

The fuck?

To the first guy.

I did not really like Endgame all that much, it has the same issues that Civil War had in terms of expecting me to care without providing any reasons for me to care. Putting sad music on top of silly scene of two people trying to commit suicide doesn’t make it a good scene for me.

Not exactly shocking for anyone who has worked for any global corp. I had to readjust my self evaluations from meting standards to exceptional just to keep up with what my barely functioning American pears considered to be normal.

Kinda interesting to see with which side American media will take.

There is a lot to unpack there.

You can’t argue that boobs aren’t offensive when you can’t publicly show them, and they are banned from most media.