
Yes, I’m sure Epic would surely accept all these generic, low-budget indie games with zero hype or marketing.

For all the people who bitch about discovery on Steam, I’d really like them to show me examples of stellar games that they completely missed out on because Steam didn’t predict they’d want them. What are all these amazing games that people are straight sleeping on? I want titles.

Thanks to the changes, more people are deleting [the game from] their wishlists than adding them.”- While adding to wishlist may be directly tied to the algorithm, blaming the algorithm for people deleting them makes little to no sense. 

“I am outraged that this store recommendation engine is preferring games people can buy today over games that people can’t buy yet!” is exactly the sort of hatchet piece I’d expect from you, Nathan. Good job, good effort.

Counterpoint: if Tom Cruise started acting in Chinese films in a country predominantly filled with Chinese people would he not get asked how is it to be a white dude acting in China?

“Look, when Tom Cruise is in an interview, people aren’t, like, ‘What’s it like to be a white actor?’

Vegans can be discriminated against because they have a genetic predisposition that makes them never stop talking about being vegan.

I’m confused. Being over 6 foot as a girl is something that people are super self conscious about, because they are treated differently both romantically and by their peers. Even attractive women over 6'0 are often crippled with self consciousness. Many men want nothing to do with dating them, there’s a lifetime of

Yes, how dare the producers of the “shitty sitcom” which put Wu’s name on the map continue to thrive and employ a whole slate of people at every level of production. After all it’s only Wu’s livelihood that matters, right? Your post misses many marks.

The bombing of Pearl Harbor was an opening by the Japanese that had a military to continue to make things worse. The hijackings were a one-and-done; not even the fourth one was a success. The only reason it could even happen was the FAA had come to accept hijackings as a cost of doing business and ignored the multiple

Dude, he donates and raises money all the time.

that’s not an iron cross. the cross is taken from a 5th-century ornament at the Bolnisi Sioni church, which came to be used as a national symbol of Georgia. the shirt literally says: უფალო შეგვიწყალენ(Lord have mercy on us)

becuase it’s more granular and precise in its criticism rather than ideological and vague?

The other personal downside for Heather is that eventually she has to acknowledge, that even in games, shes consciously choosing not to do the “right thing” or “rock the boat”.

The faux woke reviewer is literally complaining that the game isnt woke enough despite choosing “bad” choices...

I had the same thought you did reading the article. I think the name of the game itself kind of points to what you are saying. It made me think about US during the time of the slave trade. You had the ones profiting from it and actively fighting to keep it in place, then you had people who did the easy thing of just

So just asking for clarity here:

Being a history major, I have to hear about many unpleasant situations that have occurred throughout history and there have been many atrocities and negative situations. The game is providing a believable display of the colonial mindset, and many of the interactions (of course coming from a fantasy lens) aren’t going

I’m actually more interested in it BECAUSE of this setting. Not every game needs to make you a paragon or even give you a choice. Not every world is an analogue to Earth and our society and norms. Maybe being uncomfortable and raising questions is the point.

You might prevent a tragedy here or there, but as long as there’s a mechanical incentive to acquiesce to formality and political decency, there’s no room for any transformative action.”

I mean there is a significant incentive in real life for a self-interested person to maintain the status quo when said status quo benefits them. Obviously I haven’t played the game yet, but what you’ve described doesn’t seem to preclude the ability to take an extreme stance. I’m hoping for a scenario where you can