I Know What You Did Last Burner

I was just commenting on the fact that there was a lot of hype for DA:I, it came out and people loved it (mostly, anyways) and then it kind of just... went away. Makes me sad, for some reason. Like, it’s been overshadowed by the new, prettier girl in class who just moved in from out of town because her dad got a

How did he not land on anybody?

I don’t see what this has to do with hating men, but, it’s funny!

“Meet the Parents.” The only good movie in that trilogy.

Theeeeeeen, shouldn’t her sign have read “I was wearing an outfit like this...”?

Wrong reaction, bro.


She kept her rape clothes?

Women have the right to go to the rapey part of town, in the middle of the night, wearing next to nothing, alone, unprotected, drunk, high, without their cellphone because they forgot it, and duck into a scary alley to pee. And if they get raped, no, it’s not their fault. They didn’t rape themselves with some guy’s

I betting everyone who’s playing Witcher 3 is all like “Wha? ‘Dragon... Age... Inqui...’ Oh! Right! That other game... about swords and shit...”

11/10 would still bang.

What about mingling? Can you stonewall people at weddings? If so, I want to get invited to more weddings.

Now playing

And no pictures... Jeezus H. Christ. Well, at least I’ll always have this (Fonzy be praised):

Just showing the logic behind her abhorrent choices.

Now playing

Yay! Fahey’s back! *turns on Thin Lizzy’s The Boys are Back in Town*

Johnathan D. Christman is a mild-mannered lawyer by day! But, at night, he becomes...

Makes me want to change my last name to Satan.

I think she thinks the Supreme Court is actually the Fries Supreme Court, and that this

Looks like the brick wall her case is inevitably going to slam into.

She should ask herself how’d she’d feel being denied a license because she is fat and ugly and disgusting simply because the issuing clerk believes in weeding out people like her through eugenics.