
I couldn’t agree more with everything you just said. Lost was at least a fun ride. So some people didn’t like how it ended. It was still a compelling show to watch and discuss right up until the end. The Killing? It was a slow burn that just never caught fire. And by the time you get to the end of the season it’s like

Ah yes, let’s blame black folks for all your problems. If only we just picked old white men with no accomplishments like that guy from Vermont.

Right, because older black folks never had any trouble voting before...

Except young people don’t reliably vote. And so far Sanders revolution isn’t showing up at all. In fact, youth turnout for him is down in some states. And states that did have massively larger turnout broke for Biden is large numbers.  The writing is on the wall.  After 5 years of running for president, Sanders hasn’t

No, older voters just show up to vote. It’s not some grand conspiracy. Young people are lazy and apathetic about voting. And if they don’t win right away they just take their ball and go home. Older voters are more mature and know that you have to keep showing up for every election. If you want politicians to pay

Oh they have a clue. That drama played out on Twitter after all. G/O media is just going to pretend it didn’t happen.

It’s also kind of rich Saikat Chakrabarti kicked Uygur out of Justice Democrats claiming they believe in women’s and minorities issues. He’s the douchebag that went after Sharice Davids, a Native American woman and said she was a white supremacist enabler while he was AOC’s chief of staff.  So he can eat a bag of

Worked with Clinton. He ran a scam charity but managed to get the NYT to start writing about how the Clinton Foundation was the real crime and plenty of Bernie Sanders supporters ran with that bullshit too on these sites.

No, you have no idea what it is. It’s a political process, not a criminal one. And in the end it won’t remove Trump nor will it hold him accountable for crimes because, it’s not a criminal procedure.  But whatever makes you feel better.

Oh really? So when Trump stonewalls, Democrats will just conjure some spells to make Trump comply?

Shut up Trumper. 

It’s NoGas. They’re an idiot dingleberry left over from the rotting carcass of Splinter.

Clearly we need to elect a white person as President. They’re the only person who can save us.

These are people that sat on their parents health insurance years after graduating college yet hate the guy who made that possible.

Ok zoomer

Ok Zoomer.

So how do you plan on getting universal health care when the Supreme Court and majority of the courts is packed with right wing nut jobs?  I’d love to see how it’s worth it.

Yeah it’s totally Hillary fault that 10% of Bernie voters voted for a man accused of sexual assault by multiple woman and who ran a racist campaign. I guess Bernie voters also have that “economic anxiety” huh.

Maybe because we’re significantly larger and culturally very different.

NO. He was elected twice because he drove up black turn out. You know the people who you love to demonize as boomers and centrists or whatever else bullshit you like to claim. That’s how he won. It wasn’t a bunch of white dirtbag socialist wannabes that won him the election, he drove up the Democratic base, black