
This is true.  If only they had it as easy as older black folks, then young folks would turn out in droves.

I don’t give a flip about Iowa or Vermont either.

Old white chick who lives here in Houston too. When I went to vote today, the old dude at the front door told me where the GOP room was but not the Dem room. I had to ask him, and he looked at me like I was crazy.

Because South Carolina is the first state of a slew of states that follow thereafter where black voters make up the bulk of the state party. And this article assertion notwithstanding, the balance of black folks tend to vote together in the primary.

Well, here’s your chance.

Nah, Lost was Good. I’ve got my issues with it but I enjoyed the ride, I liked the finale and I was glad I stuck it out to the end.

Whoever posted spoilers for The Killing saved everybody a bunch of really, really shitty hours of TV and should be hailed as a hero.

Yes. Thank you. I’ve lived in metro Atlanta for twenty years, and I can totally believe it takes place in Georgia.

why? It was filmed in Georgia, and plenty of people there don’t have any obvious southern accent or anything.


That he drinks alone at a strip club is your first red flag. Then the whole “bitching about driving two hours to a pregnant woman shot in the leg” thing? Come on... They didn’t even need the “whale song” scene to show this lone hunter is your classic King Wild Card.

The term “ magical negro” I wish would be retired. First, I think it insults what an actor of color brings to a role. Does anyone actually think that a black actor is not aware of portraying a “cliche” or something worse, something akin to the step-n’-fechit sidekick pervasive in Preston Sturges films? I look back to

Definitely getting a sort of Henry Bowers feel to him. He was always a dick, now that he’s possessed/infected he’s a murdery dick.

I haven’t read the book. I was pretty baffled by the prison scenes, but confident they would start to make sense and content to wait for them to do so. And it was pretty satisfying when it came together at the end--I assume the prisoner that killed himself was in the same situation as Terry, and wasn’t lucky enough to

Jack is the classic Stephen King bully/sadist that appears in just about all his stories.

They were showing how Holly does her "process". A lot of profiler shows use the same conceit.

The fact that he’s a drunk asshole. We saw him beat up a random guy in the strip club, then today he wastes half his work day at that strip club berating the strippers and just being shitty before do ing his actual job.

You caught that, too? I was thinking whoever wrote this article has no clue about that dude.

“but it’s the one thing sites like Jezebel constantly call him out for.”

Bernie Sanders endorses whoever endorses him. It’s not that deep. He’s never been savvy with this shit and it shows.