
Yup. You can explain it just one sentence. The president pressured a foreign leader to make up dirt on his political rivals and withheld aid as pressure. See?

How DARE YOU besmirch the tireless work he did naming those post offices!  

You vastly overestimate the public to understand emoluments violations let alone think that is something the whole country should be dragged through an impeachment inquiry about.

There’s also the matter that impeachment isn’t actually a criminal trial. The whole process was a political one given to congress to remove the executive. The only consequence they face is removal from office. Anything that happens after it is then up to regular law enforcement. So people screaming that Pelosi or

That’s nothing, Jezebel pays writers to rank all the “get well” messages that the Democratic candidates said.  Clearly hard hitting political reporting.

It’s too bad Kentucky doesn’t have TV or Internet or anything else that informs them of what more liberal candidates look like.

You do know that they have things like the internet and TV and can see what policies liberals push in other places around the US right? 

So your answer is to run someone who will lose by even more?

Don’t forget, NYC gave Bloomberg 12 years.  Even they’re not nearly as liberal as Splinter likes to think and most of the idiots that write that shit live there.

If anything it’s an opportunity that dropped in his lap. The President is so afraid of him he’s pressuring a foreign government to make up dirt.

They’re not. The house has been hammering Trump over obstruction of justice ever since the Mueller report came and out yet still the public is against impeachment. They’re picking the one crime that’s the most easily understood. Let’s face it, all impeachment is is just a big side show for the American public with an

Way to be a coward.

Exactly. He’ll pull some Merrick Garland rule out of his soggy ass and the media will dutifully “both sides” the issue to death to muddy it up further.

Did we just find Susan Sarandon’s burner?

It’s not even that. It’s basically entitled white millennials bitching that their parents won’t die fast enough and leave them their money. 

You’re the one who can’t admit an impeachment won’t stop Trump from being a criminal.  So in the end of all this, Trump is still president and still continues to break the law and you can somehow feel better about it I guess.

No it doesn’t. They already have that authority. Trump will just continue run out the clock in the courts as he’s been doing now.

You guys can’t have an honest debate until you fully admit that impeachment won’t remove him and he will be acquitted.  I don’t see how McConnell saving him is going to make him stop being a criminal.  

These stupid people think every single district is a D+20 district.  

This is excellent Kinja.