Immortan Joe Versus The Volcano

I think my favorite moment during the march was listening to the man behind me very matter of factly explaining to his 7- or 8-year-old son that they were marching because a lot of people discriminate against women just because they’re women and one of those people is our new president and it’s important to speak out

You’d think he’d know this by now. He’s had three weddings.

He’s even a lousy version of Lex Luthor... at least Luthor stole 40 cakes.

Nah, she donated the proceeds to people Trump want to hurt. That’s apology enough.

“Great, only three inches of the cake is usable, too?”

Neither of those are quotes from those movies - the transcripts are online, it takes 10 seconds to check. Posting made up stuff - especially stuff that’s so easy for anyone to prove false - is ultimately only going to undermine any resistance to him.

It was yellow from all the pee, duh

I mean, I want it on record that I’m anti-Trump, but I’m not sure I want to hand that information directly to his administration.

My wife is there, and with the naivety of someone who has never had to run from the police, she’s taken our two kids to protest with her.

There will be porta potties available, but bring enough cash so that you can slink into a coffee shop, buy something, and use their bathroom.

So where’s the plagiarism aside from the five words “back to you... the people”?

Throwing rocks AT HER

My new demon of a kitten out of nowhere last weekend sat down and stared at the television the entire time The Young Pope was on. This kitten has literally never sat still since we brought her home but the two nights The Young Pope was on, she sits on the pouf and just watches in fervently. She loves it and I think

My dog likes watching TV. He’s sort of “different” though.

When people fail to follow the rules of the road, they are the ones making it worse for everyone. I never claimed to not be a part of traffic, that doesn’t even make sense. But after multiple problems with bike riders as both a driver and as a pedestrian, I’m tired of all the lame excuses bike riders have not refusing

1. How many cars do you see run red lights vs. bikes? I think I’ve seen one car run a red light this year vs. seeing bikes do it almost daily.

Fuck bike riders who refuse to stop at stop signs and red lights.

This morning I saw a bike rider come up on the left of cars going straight, then zoom in front of a car to get into the right-side bike lane, and oh my god, what a jackass.

One of my most thrilling moments was when I lived in Cambridge, MA and witnessed a lowspeed chase between a police car and a douche on a bike that caused an accident at a traffic light when he ran the light and caused a car to swerve into pole to avoid him. I later read in the news that said douche tried to escape

I hate bike riders. They are entitled beyond belief. Whenever I’m in the left turn lane waiting for the left turn signal and there are bike riders waiting to go straight, without fail they go straight when the left turn signal goes on. So all of us waiting to go left have to wait for them as they steal our turn.