Immortan Joe Versus The Volcano

Yea, its called evidence. All scenes need to be documented. Wow.

The name of the new season is “My Roanoke Nightmare”. It’s not like the fact that it’s about Roanoke is a secret.

Honestly, that’s probably part of the point...

They also aren’t typically trained to handle little kids like this. They are going to have him sit tight until CPS gets there.

If cops don’t take pictures jezebel would whine about that too.

we think that is what happened. we don’t know for sure that that is what happened.

They arent exploiting a child. They are using pictures of a crime to try to raise public awareness.

Narcan is supposed to be used for overdoses, not just for people being high. Overdoses as in they’re not breathing or barely breathing. there’s been somewhat of a trend lately to want to narcan people who don’t need it, which is actually a pretty shitty thing to do.

Don’t worry about it. Snowflakes are offended at what they see. It’s uncomfortable. Combine that with the fact that they can Monday morning QB and make addicts victims, welcome to Kinja.

Yes, because the cops made them be junkies.

It’s weird that you’re acting like taking a photo takes more than 5 seconds. It’s not enough of a delay to make any difference. The picture will also be valuable evidence if, e.g., the mom’s lawyer claims later that she wasn’t unconscious.

It could have been from a lapel cam.

You know shooting a photo with a smart phone takes like all of 2 seconds, right?

Right, its the fault of the police that his parents are gigantic pieces of shit.

The child was in no immediate danger and crime scene photos are SOP.

It’s OK, we can drink wine and watch it together. It becomes decent when you’re drunk..

I will bring wine into the theater and have a great time, just like the first one.

(sheepishly starts to raise hand - looks around - puts it back down)

Read that again. They can deny treatment if a doctor says so, but they only need to provide enough treatment to maintain the state of transition when the prisoner is brought in. As I mentioned before, Chelsea’s state before being brought in was that of a male, so any treatment they provide her is at their discretion.

Here’s the statute for civilian prisons: