Immortan Joe Versus The Volcano

“Sorry Mrs. Kowalski. Looks like your little FooFoo ended up on a flight to Juneau where it will be terminating. We won’t be able to have her returned until... next week. Did you pack food in her carrier?”

I knew someone whose dog went on the wrong plane with Alaska Airlines (dog went to airport X, owner went to airport Y, the correct destination). Apparently NOT needless to say - they were very well compensated. Alaska definitely strives to make stuff right when shit hits the fan.

One... Missing pet?

This is my question: where the fuck does a dog go missing on a plane? No airport was like “AY, we have an unattended black lab over here”??

While the dog was screaming and crying for who knows how long. That woman needs something horrible to happen to her.

The bulldog has booked its return flight on Spirit Airlines.


Finally, they absolutely CAN go solely on “say-so”. Generally that is the only evidence in college rape tribunals as you point out.

And THEN there was the porn video she put out once the media coverage had started to wane, allegedly depicting what she alleges happened to her.

Yes, and those complaints were all filed within days of each other after they “heard of each others experiences”. Crazy that they didn’t seem to consider these reportable offenses until then. The first complaint was related to “emotional abuse” from a former girlfriend and the fact that he had not explicitly asked for

You should have gotten the hell out of there, called the police, and then gotten a divorce and taken him for everything he would ever hope to own for the rest of his life. You should never give anyone that amount of control over your life. I am sad that you had to learn it the hard way.

Life, despite claims to the contrary by certain activist groups and political figures, is not fair. I am sorry you had to learn this the hard way instead of from lessons taught in school and by your parents and family that should have prepared you for that unpleasant part of reality. You have exhausted every resource

Yes, people do have the right to say no, regardless of the relationship type. People need to remember this, people who let themselves forget this because of abuse or other reasons in particular. People need to stop forgetting that being in love or lust does not mean surrendering yourself, your rights, and your freedom

She was found to have lied about numerous things related to her claim.

If you go through all the facts it looks like she took advantage of title 9 to throw someone under the bus so her matress performance art stunt and thesis would gain more attention. That’s pretty fucking terrible, and what’s far more terrible is it looks like she got away with it, I don’t support abusers regardless of

Stop taking pictures and videos of yourself naked. It’s not that hard. Yeah, yeah. victim blaming blah blah blah. Call it what you want. Maybe it isn’t your “fault” they get released but you’re a fucking idiot if you create the content.

all museums should remove their Picassos and replace them with a screen playing Mattress Girl’s porn video on loop

Emma is clearly more talented and important than that fucking pig Picasso

Going outside is necessary to function in life, taking naked photos of yourself is not.