Immortan Joe Versus The Volcano

As part of a lengthy parole, they should make him wear an ankle bracelet that senses the presence of women in his vicinity and broadcasts a warning. “I’m a rapist! Run away! I’m a rapist! Run away!” Then it delivers a dose of date rape drugs to him and he passes out wherever he might be. He must also carry a pack of

Yes, like encouraging people not to hang out around ledges at 3:15 am while likely drinking.

Why use scented soaps? I have had eczema since I was a baby and use non scented gel for atopic skin.

Soap is not actually about killing germs. It is about encapsulating germs in soap bubbles so you can then rinse them down the sink. So normal soap works for that just fine.

That stuff drys your skin out like crazy.

I though we weren’t supposed to be doing that outside of hospitals, schools, and other super germy places anymore? You know, overusing antibacterials and creating super resistant bacteria and global health and what not.

antibacterial soap is bad for you since it leads to superbacteria. what’s with your smugness?

Now I’m curious—is there more DNA in men’s urine? And is it merely a large difference or a VAS DEFERENS?

Yes. He’s a dolphin.

Her products are THE BEST. Those filing lawsuits are LOSERS.

Sobbing and screaming hysterically over chalk drawings is “trying?” You’re a third-wave feminist (gender construct or not), aren’t you?

Mmm. Intergenerational conflict. Bring on the Boomers to shake their walkers and the other Millenials to make fun of them with Snapchat filters. As a dedicated Xer, I shall dutifully express my aloofness by rolling my eyes at all of you.

oh, millenials are going to "fix" things. can't wait for that.

Most of the leeches I’ve encountered get even more attached when I whip out my credit card.

For what it’s worth, the “circle your fat” thing is an urban legend that came from a Lifetime movie in the 90s.

This is a complicated and fraught topic, one that deserves a more thoughtful take than the one offered by Ms. Moskovitz. This is not about some cruel effort by men to define and control women’s bodies, as she glibly asserts. It’s about trying to create an environment where women have a chance to compete and succeed,

Yes, to confirm, the girl in the story is 18 months, and therefore not a “baby” so much as a “toddler”. Did not breastfeed the little squirrel that long, but if he wanted a snack in a store at 18 months, he was waiting til we got to a better place for said snack. There’s a HUGE difference between feeding a baby (omg

Maybe the moms are afraid of the baby.

As a never-to-be mom, I really have no horse in this race. I do think the store was completely in the wrong here. That said, I do have a big Liz Lemon eye roll for any mothers that talk about how their kids “can’t wait” (They can. They may not like it, but they can.) to eat and they refuse to let their poor babies

With Gal Gadot as American Maid? I would watch the shit out of that.