I love that people are still bringing this up. She was pregnant (and a high risk pregnancy at that), the cat had urinary issues, and they rehomed. It’s not like they tossed it out a moving car window to get rid of it.
I love that people are still bringing this up. She was pregnant (and a high risk pregnancy at that), the cat had urinary issues, and they rehomed. It’s not like they tossed it out a moving car window to get rid of it.
I smell another Weekend at Bernie’s sequel...
But does your aunt swim in sewage filled water? Inquiring minds...
That’s a good gesture but come on. Those companies are just going to pack up and move elsewhere, to a place where they won’t have to pay it. It’s fucking depressing but places like Indiana, Texas, Arkansas, etc offer huge tax BREAKS to tech firms to appeal to them to ditch California. Wish it wasn’t like that but yeah…
That was my first thought. Sort of: Maybe if we tax them, then they’ll leave and it will become affordable again?!
Quality control issues happen at all price points.
It's not ageist to say that someone looks older than they are. It's ageist to discriminate against someone based on their age.
I did a lot of stupid things as a 17-19 year old. None of them involved murdering someone with my crazy cult buddies. Most people would never do that, under any provocation.
I mean, most people know by the age of 19 that brutally murdering people is wrong. She has complete culpability for her own actions here. I could understand granting parole if she had just guarded the door while someone else did the actual killing, but she participated actively and willingly.
You seem to misunderstand minor medical consent laws. It is established in the U.S. that minor children, usually teens but in some states as young as 12, are able to access some medical services without parental consent or notification. These services include STD treatment and sexual health exams such as basic GYN…
“Parental consent would allow a parent to withhold an abortion.” This is exactly the point; the Supreme Court has ruled that women have a constitutional right to legal abortion, and parents should not be able to deny their daughters this constitutional right.
I like how you refer to it as “evidence.” Not the fact that this teen could possibly have to deal with the very hard responsibility of carrying an incest or rape baby to term and then be responsible for raising it for the rest of their lives. You’re worried that if she doesn’t abort, there won’t be “evidence.”
“Why on earth should that child be entrusted with greater decision making powers?”
They are different because people are always butting with what THEY want, and not what is good for the mother. If people would just let women alone the decision would be reasonable and thought out. We do’t need old white guys or sterile old women telling us what is right. So, Go away!
If you think this is a 99 to 1 thing, I don’t know how to have a real conversation with you about it. You’re basing your opinion on the idea that most parents are supportive, can and will help their child with self-care and child rearing, and will make the best decision with/for their teen. That’s just not…
Obviously I’d be less than pleased, but my daughter getting the proceedures without my knowledge would be better than her not getting needed medical care.
In what world does an adolescent being forced to give birth help anybody? That is what you are talking about. Not some abstraction about “healthcare” generally.
If parents are preventing their children from receiving prescriptions or surgery that they need, I would be incredibly comfortable for them to be able to bypass their parents. Some states already allow teens to do so.
Go fuck yourself.