
@dccorona: The omnibar annoys me. It's fine if you only ever use one default search engine to search for anything, ever, but if you use several different search engines— I use Google, Bing, Amazon, Wikipedia, Allmusic, and Dictionary.com on a regular basis— having to remember and actually type out all those keywords

@battra92: While it's true that NaCl will taste exactly the same no matter the source, most of these so-called gourmet salts are packed with impurities which change both the flavor and the texture.

This'll be popular on April 1st, I bet.

These are clearly the musings of an elitist who is obviously disconnected from how the majority of America watches television," said the person.

Ha ha, and I was considering switching to AT&T for this thing. Back to my original plan of waiting for some kind of high-end HTC slider on Verizon, I guess.

I feel like this is unnecessarily complicated. I put all the popcorn in the cold pot right from the beginning, and I've never had a problem.

@38thsignal: Yeah, I definitely took that joke a few steps too far.

@38thsignal: Well I assume the law makes a distinction between fair use and hoarding, but yeah, theoretically The Pirates of the Caribbean could hold our tap water for ransom if they brought out some big political guns.

@38thsignal: Indeed, what falls on Colorado lawns belongs to the grass, but it doesn't belong to the Coloradan who owns that patch of grass.

@38thsignal: Yeah, collecting rainwater is illegal here in CO. Every drop is spoken for before it hits the ground.

Firing that thing must hurt like hell.

Do kids not get punched for owning something like this anymore? Seriously, nerds these days have it so easy.

@cc: But Android already comes with a web browser! Har.

I wonder what makes this a Sidekick, rather than just an Android slider by Samsung.

Maybe it's a stretch, but this could be one of the first steps towards giving us all our various data services through one simple digital pipe that we can use as we see fit.

@khronos: Long time! I'd love to see it again, because I remember being really impressed with the graphics.

Syphon Filter! Aw, that takes me back.

Holy crap, I just started craving Taco Bell so hard a few minutes ago, and all this drama has done nothing to change my mind.

Hell yeah. I don't care what the internet says, I loved the second two movies. Not as much as the first, but they certainly weren't awful.