
With all due respect for our friends over at lifehacker, can we just use "hack" for electronics only, please? It's getting obnoxious.

@Joe: It's been years, but I'm not sure I've ever seen past the first 10 minutes. I am not good at shmups.

I don't think the author is using the same internet I'm using.

How does Google feel?

@stifflittlefinger: They let the kid's dad handle it, after the kid tried to buy drugs from a cop. How could they have taken it any easier than that?

@MargaretMoony: Whedon himself has apparently said that he believes Buffy's not in a coma, and that vampire Sunnydale is "real." I was actually a little disappointed when I read that; it was more fun as a mystery.

@Almightywhacko: Do you really think cooking burgers efficiently is the point?

Wow, that car doesn't look like crap at all! I'm shocked, and pleased.

@qbrad: No, the concept is still a really good idea. It would just be a bit longer than what you're describing. Somebody make this! It's freakin' 2010, I should never run out of USB ports.

@freetobelee: I dunno. The hardware is undeniably sexy, but I don't know how many people are going to like the idea of TV being nothing but pay-per-view.

@Shadowlayer: A 5MP camera is nothing special. The camera on the iPhone 4 is really impressive. You seem a little sensitive about this. ;)

I want lala back. Not the cloud part, but the pricing: first listen of any full song for free, 10¢ for unlimited listens web-only, 99¢ for a DRM-free mp3. No ads, no subscription fees.

@Charliehorse: I agree. They've traded an aging but functional interface for one that's pretty, but information-poor.

@djdare: I thought you were kidding, but you're exactly right. How odd.

@Ellomdian: It's true. Oskar Blues is good— especially some of the small batch stuff they only serve at the restaurants— but it's not my favorite. In fact, I think the only reason I ever buy OB instead of, say, O'dell's is because I find cans so convenient. They're lighter, they take up less room, they chill

@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Speaking as someone who's had an awful lot of PBR over the years, the price is indeed the only thing I ever liked about it. These days, though, I've switched to High Life as my cheap-as-sand beer of choice.

@WestwoodDenizen: Good beer is delicious. Close your eyes and imagine, if you will, a world in which different people have different tastes.

@coldfuzion: That's a good point. I guess I was responding more to the other commenters than to the article. I wouldn't agree, personally, that cans are superior (unless you're carrying a pack of them around), but I'll happily argue with anyone who says good beer doesn't come in cans at all.

@Mark 2000: Dr. Brown's and Izze come in cans, Miller Lite and PBR come in bottles. As you implied, it's all in your head. The whole debate's not even worth caring about for most people, but any serious beer lover who refuses to drink from a can is missing out.