
I can't tell this isn't just a Merzbow video.

@rustyhookj: It did look familiar, and that's exactly why. Thanks for the reminder.

@sweatingmullets: True, allowing ties in tournament play is a pretty weird system.

@Armen Tamzarian: This is what I've been saying! I love baseball, but I haven't seen any American complaints about soccer that aren't equally true about the national pastime.

So it's a gorgeous, ultra high-rez screen AND marketing half truth bullshit. Okay! I hear it displays the most intense grays you've ever seen.

@jdale: Considering the high-end clientele they'd be courting, I'd be surprised if they put guests through the hassle of airlocks and the bends. If it were only 50 or 75 feet deep, don't you think they could just counter the pressure with mechanical strength?

@triggerx: I'm sure it's just a compression artifact... the color red always looks bad in jpegs. It says, "Soviet Mike-class nuclear sub (deepest diving combat sub)"

Man, the ocean is scary as fuck.

@Haneyg: I don't think that's it... I ran MSE for months with XP before upgrading to 7, and never had any issues.

@thevpuli: I dunno, but my PC was cheap when I bought it in 2005, and MSE (w/ win 7) doesn't faze it at all.

MSE is mind-blowingly light on resources. Even while running a scan on my 5-year-old single-core PC, I can barely tell it's there.

@Arkain: On one hand, the muscles are ridiculous and you can't see the feet, but on the other hand, the hands look fine and there aren't any pouches anywhere. Overall, the whole thing shows a lot of talent so... not Liefeld.

I use an encrypted thumb drive for stuff that's sensitive or vital, but for keeping files in the cloud I generally just ftp to my web host. I'm already paying for unlimited storage and transfer, might as well use it.

I'm still pissed about lala. Make it right, Steve.

@chefgon: I almost switched from Verizon when the 3G came out. Before Android there was simply nothing else remotely comparable, especially on Verizon which always seemed to have the weakest hardware of any carrier. It's true today that something good pops up every couple of months, but that hasn't always been the

Every time I manage to forget how pathetic and overpriced the sandwiches are here in Denver, I come across something like this. I should open a deli.

VOTE: LookinmyPC

Worst money-saving idea I've ever had: attempting to reuse coffee grounds.