
It really was. Defeat...redemption...setback...victory...defeat.

If we can’t save this man, none of us has a chance. I think, secretly, we’re all living in the shame of our future surrender to our own weakness. We can do so much better, but we’re all so tired, so burdened, and all the lights they sell us at the end of their expensive tunnels just lead back to the oncoming trains.

This article was absolutely fantastic. And must have been so heart-wrenching to write.

I lost a brother to addiction. Not that he died, mind you. He’s very much alive, unfortunately (and yes, I realize how bad that sounds). He’s just not my brother anymore. Maybe it’s because he nearly beat his mother — he was a product of my dad’s first marriage, while I was a product of the third — to death to get

What else are you looking for? The article itself is a great read, and I can’t think of anything Burke could do other than simply link to it.

Dude, thank you for sharing this. Such an amazing piece, albeit one of the saddest that I have read in some time.

Sobering message

The power of that photograph. It’s haunting.

Saw this earlier today on twitter and lost myself in it. Just a brilliant (and sad) piece of work.

That was a rollercoaster of a read. Wow. :(

This is some good writing. Hard to take really, but powerful stuff. Thanks for sharing it Tim.

Great journalism, terrible story. I hope to God they find him.


I was gonna slag this guy, but then I remembered a recent game of Rocket League where a teammate — the lowest-scoring one on the team by a wide margin — kept sending messages of “scrub teammates” and “fuck you”, so once the game was out of reach, I spent the rest of the match intentionally ramming him away from the

Let’s not sell the man short: it was a denim tuxedo.

Can’t we just have both eliminated... with extreme prejudice.

A wise person once said “We don’t need a Justin Timberlake anymore, we have a Bruno Mars.”

One wonders if “Make America Great ***At Last***” would have resonated as much or more than “Again” with Appalachia, an area which has been shit on by the rich continuously since the 1800s.

I could imagine him whispering: “Don’t worry, Nassar’s going to get his, just calm down, everything’s going to be all right...”