This does not bode well for my lawsuit against The Part Of Everyone That’s At Least A Little Bit Gay. I thought I had led me astray for the last time.
This does not bode well for my lawsuit against The Part Of Everyone That’s At Least A Little Bit Gay. I thought I had led me astray for the last time.
oh, same! if you ever get a chance to meet him, please do - a more genuine, gracious and charming man you aren’t likely to ever come across.
as bad as all those trespasses are, my biggest gripe with tom price is that he is essentially a mirror-world evil tim gunn, which should never be a thing.
Curious - are you getting spam calls from a number that matches your area code and prefix? That appears to be a thing now - myself and several others that sit near me at work are all getting them. The topic came up one day and everyone sitting in the area chimed in that it was happening to them too.
Margaret Atwood, in her Between Two Worlds, talks about this misleading cover problem! When the Berlin Wall came down and western lit started appearing in Eastern Bloc countries, the publishers would sex up the covers to an unbelievable level (“HOT WESTERN SEXY STORY!”), no matter the actual content of the novel.
2 days ago I got a scam phone call on my mobile...from my mobile phone number. I was calling myself, like something out of Lost Highway.
kind, thoughful,
Your comments about your husband are making me sad. Why is he yelling at you for anything?!
I didn’t say the litter was clean all the time, but she started this before I got pregnant and I cleaned the litter much more frequently and added them throughout the house, and I use cat attract litter (the gold standard for litter), and I have taken her to the vet (multiple times) to make sure she is ok physically…
I don’t want to pile on this lady, but I just gotta say: if asking her husband to clean the litter box while she’s freaking pregnant elicits anything other than “of course dear”, let alone a fight, then there are problems. She can’t do it, it needs to be done, he’s the only other person available. This does not bode…
You just take a deep breath, Froggy, sit down and dream about the glass of wine you can you have after Froggy Jr. is born. I just read all the responses and holy wow, you’re right, people are being shitty. But guess what? Like me they are a bunch of interweb randos who don’t really know you or your life. Don’t take…
Well I know that we Canadians do, as one of our ships is on its way now!
You know what? I’m perfectly fine with the fact that people who have been convicted of neglect can’t get jobs caring for children and the elderly.
It’s also fairly logical to assume that for every incident that’s reported there are many that have gone without anyone knowing.
We don’t ask that men be given the opportunity to explain why they beat their wives with belts, we ask that these men be arrested for spousal battery.
This is a very hard read for me. Full disclosure, I’m an abuse survivor so I may have my own issues all over this, but... It really sounds like they’re painting parents as the victims. The parents are adults.
I was hit with a belt maybe once or twice, but I was older. At two you barely really understand what’s wrong and right and you’re still trying to figure out where the line is. I’m kind of disturbed by her continual justification for her actions. Like I’m not sure why she feels she can be an advocate of any kind. Also,…
I was treated as a criminal. I wasn’t given a chance to explain myself. I wasn’t asked: What happened? I was just thrown behind bars. I felt like I was seen as a monster.
“I was shocked and scared and I hit him. The next day he was removed and I was arrested. I was treated as a criminal. I wasn’t given a chance to explain myself.”