
You’re a fucking idiot. And so are the two people who starred this at the time of my reply. Take a walk bro, and also pull that tin foil off your head.

It’s everyone in a civil society’s job to RESPECT another person’s boundaries, no matter WHERE they lie. No matter if it means possibly delaying getting your dick wet or not getting your dick wet at all! Your non-interest in respecting women’s boundaries is pussy-drying.

What an idiot. He got exactly what he deserved. I can’t believe people walk around with swastikas on their arms. Theres nothing better than watching a Nazi get KTFO. Worldstar!!

Never a wrong time for this one:

The article makes it pretty clear that there are restrooms pretty near to where she’s shitting, and in no event should this be a common occurrence. I used to run a pretty healthy amount, and despite digestive issues popping up on occasion, only once did I have an issue where I had trouble getting to a bathroom on

That was beautiful. 😂😂😂

Look, don’t ask me to even GUESS the logistics of how you guys are supposed to do such things, I just know that this is supposed to be a Thing. Honestly, when I first heard of it, the first thought I had was indeed “how do you know not to burn the fuck outta your dick??”

As a woman I am mystified by that tendency. And the thing is they’re so happy to have a dick you’d think they’d be extra cautious with them but, no.


Right? I hate them and 90% of the commenters on this thread. “Here is something that you as a man don’t understand” “WELL ACTUALLY WE UNDERSTAND IT PERFECTLY AND YOU’RE WRONG”

I genuinely thought this was going to be an article about how WAY too many people are posting online about wanting to have sex with the new Pennywise...

Of course each individual needs to set their own boundaries and stick to them.

I wonder what the percentage of fathers who go back to the workplace within two days is? My wife and I were lucky that we had saved enough and had leave available so I could take two months off, and it was great for my wife since she wound up with postpartum depression and I could take on a good bit of the load.

If it were just the menu, it might be a clueless white person trying to offer black people something he thinks they like.

I have no idea why someone would choose an article about

To add, for anyone who wants to question your factual note of centuries of singlular they use in English:

Not Enough Day Drinking is a sniveling bigoted coward that dismisses anyone that calls out their disgraceful and selfish bigotry and their dishonorable misuse of linguistics to back it up.

You literally already do it all the time without realizing it.

“I had a substitute teacher today.”

“Oh yeah? What was their name?”

I hate the smell of most women’s deodorants, so I started buying men’s deodorant a few years ago. After one purchase, my boyfriend kept smelling me and looking at me oddly, and eventually asked what deodorant I was wearing. I had bought the same kind that his dad has worn for decades, and he politely insisted that I

Weird, when I want to smell like my boyfriend I just use his deodorant.