What is it with guys and dick pics? It’s like their go to move. Even if I’m having a sassy chat, my instinct would never be to send a picture of ny genitalia. And wtf a high school student? So so so gross.
Weiner’s lawyers, who are asking that Weiner forego prison time and serve probation, described the girl as “a curious high school student, looking to generate material for a book the government has disclosed she is now shopping to publishers,” and that she sought “somehow to influence the US presidential election, in…
I’m confused. If these men are so “weak” and unable to control themselves around a teenager, then why are they in power in the first place? Shouldn’t that exempt them from being put into such positions if they can’t stop getting their dicks out and snapping pics?
Prisons are crammed choc-a-bloc full of the dumb sociopaths. When you meet one in the wild they’re at least smart enough to fake it, but overall sociopathy has no bearing on intelligence.
I can not believe that my cross stitch is on here.
As awesome as disrespecting the whole tang clan is, my favorite is:
This guy is so universally repulsive, I feel like ‘Shkreli’ should become the term for some uncomfortable experience or gross bodily byproduct, much like ‘Santorum’. But what has the right combination of industrial-strength annoying and full-bodied cringe to be labelled a Shkreli?
Nothing is ever a white person’s own fault. This dude’s daughter out ho-in’, blame a black dude. Kill a completely different black dude whom you didn’t even think had anything to do with it. Go to work like it’s nothing. You’re white, you’ll be fine.
I’m one of the leaders of an activist group where we are strongly supporting the recall and we have had actual threats against us personally over it. It’s insane. This judge has an awful record of letting violent rapists off with little or no penalty yet for some reason he has the full support of all the other judges…
So I’m in Santa Clara County, CA, and we are struggling to recall the judge responsible for letting Brock here off with a very light sentence. I’m shocked by the resistance to recalling Judge Persky. He has a long history of letting criminals like Turner off with very light sentences because it might “ruin their…
On the next page they had Ted Cruz as the textbook definition of “creepy porn.”
Perhaps the common argument that Democrats forced voters to vote Trump by calling them racist, sexist, etc. is actually valid.... /s
It is too early for this. Damn, this was hard to read. I’m so enraged.
It is too early for this. THOSE .BOYS .HANGED. A. EIGHT. YEAR .OLD.
But when she ripped up that photo, Sinead was protesting and trying to get public attention on the Magdalene laundries that were yet another Catholic Church horror show. (And more to come!) The only reason the Magdalene laundries were discovered is because a developer, who had just bought land from some nuns, found a…
The man who wanted to wait longer than a few years (thus both partners being nigh 40) to have kids either did not actually want kids, or is an idiot.
The dad who wants to his coach his daughter’s boyfriend is SUPER CREEPY. He needs to back the fuck up. If my dad ever talked to one of my high school boyfriends about how to please me? So gross and creepy. This applies to my mother as well. There are plenty of resources for this girl that don’t involve her dad…