Go directly to hell, you absolute nightmare of a person.
What’s even worse is that he posted on Friendster that he set up a traffic cam and was sending the police photos of all of the jaywalkers and jayswimmers.
The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.
I think the GOT death rule is that nobody’s dead until you see them die, and even not then. Light a candle for my ginger prince, tho. He needs to make those giant babies with Brienne!
Ugh I want so much more for Rachel, but Bryan whyyyyy
Jesus. Nick Viall needs a simple lifestyle blogger chick- not some Penelope Cruz level hottie who helps special needs kids for a living. And on that note: They did a shit job casting the last two seasons. They need to start editing out people who aren’t in the same league as the bachelor /bachelorette. Vanessa was…
I give Rachel and Bryan about the same time frame. Maybe 6 months tops.
My standby response to someone who says “Sorry, I’m not politically correct” is “Nah, you’re just an asshole”.
Pretty sure you’ve never read anything on Jezebel if you think that’s what the advice there would be. It’s literally the last thing any woman would advise a fellow woman to do, given what the known consequences of a bruised male ego can be. Hint: Margret Atwood has quite a popular quote on that topic.
Uh, I’ve been reading Jez for years and never once has anyone advocates publicly confronting someone like that. I feel like there’s a lot of misconceptions around the discussions over there?
It would be like saying your going to Gallaudet without knowing that it’s the university for the deaf and hard of hearing. Like, how’d you get there without knowing what the school is?
Calling bullshit that the school didn’t know Howard is an HBCU - Howard is the HBCU.
Vice President Mike Pence’s take on a nation in turmoil? “I’m someone who believes in more monuments, not less monuments.” COOL.
You forgot the part about how you are so beautiful that the local children called you Fromage Face.
I traveled to Europe in 1993 — at the very same time as the Balkan Wars! I was in the middle of it, in France, Germany and the Netherlands, a major player in that epic struggle for freedom. If the Serbs had found me, in Paris, they would have surely paraded my head on a spike down the streets of, I dunno, Lyon? The…
In tribute to Ms. Linton, I am also announcing my new memoir, recounting the time I sailed up the Congo River to search for a mysterious ivory trader named Kurtz.