
Body shaming. Go away.

Omg Georgette! Style inspiration of my childhood—I wanted her bedroom and vanity sitch so bad.

Oh my god, get over it. These bones were in a cave that was suuuuper hard to reach, tiny opening to get through. On a tight schedule and in need of skinny, short people, they ended up with six women. It’s asinine to see this and think “publicity stunt.”

I actually really hate cleaning most of the time, and as a woman I suppose I “ought” to like it! Sometimes on a weekend I will devote a whole day to a deep clean—I enjoy mopping and scrubbing the counters, the deep cleaning. But I HATE the stuff you have to do before that—pick up clutter and do the dishes. But I also

Actually, women work more hours outside than home than in decades past, but men haven’t picked up the slack at home to a corresponding degree.


Thank you for sharing this; I wondered about what their strategy was and this bit about “power mapping” explains it nicely!

Oooh good one!

That’s what I was thinking! ;)

*fans self* Oh my!

Hey good point about designers vs builders!!! If I recall sunday school correctly, God gave highly specific instructions on the ark’s dimensions and whatnot—so is God an amateur at boat design in Carson’s view? I feel like the real lesson of this story is that if you don’t want to sink, try being mainly fictional!


One word: GROSS.

space spiders! Wearing cute little tiny spacesuits! Squee!

Even if these were actual problems—going without makeup and menz while on mission—eight days is supposed to be an issue?! I spent longer than that at summer camp with no makeup or boys every year growing up, and I did fine even though I was a child and not a professional astronaut. Sooooo I am thinking they’ll do just

I had to google that shit too. I have to drink fancy water to get a b movie rec? Makes no sense!

Yeah, being not a beauty has its benefits—I have a friend who freaks the fuck out when she has a breakout, and I’m just like *shrug* it is what it is.

OMG would watch!

But when only a tiny percentage of rape accusations are false, and on the flip side a huge number of women are raped each year and almost no perps spend even a day in jail...at that point your priorities are fucked if you think false accusations are anything approaching the problem actual rape is. (check RAINN for

even if you have a signed contract indicating sexual consent