Lol I wish period ads were real like this.
Lol I wish period ads were real like this.
It’s weird how pro-cancer Republicans are.
HOLY SHIT, nightmare fuel!
God, that is horrifying. I am especially freaked out by the idea of unattended children in Borders because I was walking about there with a friend when I was around 12 or 13 and a man tried to get me to “show him where the bathroom was.” I was old enough to back away slowly but then, I wasn’t FOUR YEARS OLD, holy…
:( Poor child!
THANK YOU, YES, THIS IS ACCURATE! Wish I could star more than once!
Omg this is great!
Okay everybody, you can stop all actually telling me why. IT WAS RHETORICAL; I know the answer is because of sexism! I am not literally the stupidest person to ever live!
Here’s a free lesson: don’t be a condescending dick.
Incidentally, that’s the name of my next nerd-themed gay porno.
Seriously, it’s so gross and creepy.
I wouldn’t mind sex banners if there wasn’t so much daddy-daughter stuff. If they were just like “we like sex woohoo we are drunk heyyo!” that’d be no big, but the ones that suggest they don’t care about consent, or that they want to kidnap a bunch of freshmen girls, are creepy as fuck.
Agreed, except for the “don’t leave him alone” part—does that apply even if she just has to pee? Or sleep at night?
No, by “everywhere” I meant that everyone has at least heard of people like Caitlyn Jenner, because she’s been in the news everywhere! And not just feminist sites!
Me too and this is just heartbreaking and sickening. :(
Go Jessica Jin! I almost wish I lived/went there so I could participate too!
It’s a bit weirder standing there staring at her own sister getting shaved.
As nice as it would be under other circumstances to help his pregnant wife with the hair removal she can’t do, he said it’s “offensive” for her to not shave for a photo shoot?! I have literally never watched this show before so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised. Also, Khloe (I think that’s who that is?) is just watching…