
Not sure how much more “education” someone who works in tv for a living should really need on this topic that has been literally everywhere in the news lately—that is a totally bullshit excuse. And if you think that recognizing the relationship between a culture of derision towards trans people and the violence they

Yeah that’s true, but I was just spitballing I guess.

Huh, looks like my assumptions were pretty baseless then. Whoops!

I guess, but Egypt is still in Africa—so the OP’s comment is still wrong to me.

I studied abroad in Egypt and none of my classmates were gross white savior types—I think it’s pretty silly to act like any one continent is a less valid place to study abroad than other ones. I went to Africa to learn about the place I was interested in, soooooo #notallAfricastudyabroad?

Well also aren’t there more women in liberal arts and more dudes in STEM? Plus the UK has all those super fancy economics programs, whereas if you go to Africa you are probably studying history, anthro, development, something like that.

My school was like that too, a lot of rich entitled assholes. I’m sorry they were so terrible to you. :(

I had to read his autobiography in high school—“narcissistic fundie prick” really does sum it up quite nicely!


YOUR SCHOOL TOLD YOU THAT YOU ‘TRIGGERED’ HIM?! Fuck those jerks! >:( What a load of bullshit.

God, at least they caught this one first! If I hear he’s ever legally allowed to own a gun after this, though...

Absolutely, well put.

Derail much? Go home, you’re drunk.

Actually I am pretty sure that comments like hers—and I would call it transphobic rather than merely rude—legitimate the kind of hatred that motivate these murders. It’s not like there’s zero connected between mainstream society trashing a marginilized group, and people in that group getting murdered.


Plus, I’m not getting laid at the moment and you don’t see me—or any other woman ever—blaming all men and committing mass shooting. Men really need to start asking themselves why so many of them think this way.

Ugh, these douchebags are all such fucking crybabies. “Oh wah, I’m an ‘incel’ and it’s soooo unfaiiir!” Literally no one cares. I always wish these mass shooters who plan on killing themselves after would go on and just shoot themselves first. Leave us all better off!

Yes exactly! I kinda want to go back in time and slap this douchewaffle upside the head.

I mean, if you take a job that offers a certain salary you should get that salary as long as you do the job! Not paying employees just because the campaign lost is suuuper shitty. Idk if the people you know necessarily deserve luxury or whatever, but if they are doing their jobs well and working hard it would be cruel

Yeah, this part is especially baffling, because has he never heard of knocking people unconscious or tying them up? Even if conscious, unbound women could always prevent rape (which is already bullshit), I don’t get how he forgot that ropes exist.