$9 a month for unlimited playing is a much better pricing option than buying a game full price on it
$9 a month for unlimited playing is a much better pricing option than buying a game full price on it
lol forza pwned. plus how can u really say 720 beats 1080 native?
@sgtteddybear: you're an idiot
ahhh peltiers. good old peltiers. they heatsink itself used to have it's own psu that chugged 300-500 watts. lol
i stream most of my worth out of netfix. i get the occasional dvd here and there, but mostly streaming
@ihaveabu: *tho
the actual system sold fairly well. a few years ago the only reason why people bought the system was because it was so easy to pirate games on it. that doesn't say much about the attractiveness of the games that came out on it thow
@Jack Musick: dude, android is not for games. the only thing it does better compared to a jailbroken iphone is google integration. and even that's not much of an advantage after you jailbreak your iphone
@Salacion: lol it's funny i actually watched Teeth a few weeks ago. disturbing shit. one of these days i'll check this out
y is there a separate gizmodo post for this? it's been on netflix for a week. what's so special about this movie?? someone fill me in
2 million after several months doesn't sound like that much. only idiots pirate starcraft 2. the whole point of starcraft is multiplayer
@archronos: so it doesn't interest you... what's your point?
the first stone got horrible reviews for voice quality. i'm happy with my jawbone icon
Everyone stop eating chocolate right now! And for god sakes if you want to give your girlfriend an endorphin rush for Valentine's Day, don't be a cheapass. Get scented candles, rose petals, and some smooth jazz/barry white. Oh, and don't be a fool, wrap your tool!
lol *sigh
lol i go to SUNY Buffalo. I should call up some people about this
there can never be to much battlefield. good battlefield that is. battlefield like battlefield 2
sigh. i was hoping for another good story. the first one was fucking awesome!!! but i guess when u kill the protagonist and then clone him, sequelitis comes into play
@Unchill English Bro: or iOS. If we're talking smack down by App store, Apple apps stores sits there laughing while Android app store and WebOS app stores fight. *fail
well this was kinda well known before. if you sync using caldav the colors will carry over. but people sync via exchange for the sole purpose of having events pushed over.