
I've logged over 2,500 hours into this game. Part of me is proud of that, part of me is definitely not. Haven't played in over a year, but EVE is a game where you can take long breaks, only to then fall in love with the game all over again.

i beg to differ.. the Z3 Compact easily kicks the iPhone 6's ass in this geeks book.. one feature alone does it: waterproof... :)

Airbnb already provides reimbursement for property damage, now they've added liability insurance that will protect both hosts and their landlords should anyone get injured during a stay. The coverage is automatic and goes into effect in January; U.S. only for now. [Airbnb]

Because Microsoft needs it to sell Xbox Ones. Tons of them.
They can PR speak around this all day long but they're not fooling anybody.

Fascinating; too bad none of it matters. The problem is not finding evidence—there's mountains of it. The problem is that no amount of evidence will ever be enough. The disconnect is not in the scientific or historical record, it is in the brains of conspiracy theorists. Their desperate psychological need to

My ex wife used to pull that all the time when we were married, it was very confusing. I'd see lovey dovey messages on her public timeline all day and then come home to a rabid wolverine-woman who was ready to rip off my appendages because I left my cereal bowl in the sink...

Yep. I have someone in my friendlist who posts super flowery, lovey dovey, sugary sweet posts about her BF a couple times a week. And I know them well enough in real life to know it's all a sham.

Integrate Google Voice, SMS/MMS, and Hangouts into one app. Like, yesterday!