
[Spoilers] The orcs in Warcraft turn green after drinking demon (Manoroth) blood following Guldan’s corruption. They were originally brownish. But the plot line of this movie follows the earlier Warcraft RTS’s, by then, orcs that invaded Azeroth should have already drank the blood...

Is the guy under there actually that ripped? I would like to know what his workout routine is. Holy shit!

Games like World of Warcraft roll out similar expansions, and those expansions do offer new gear and challenges that make you have to re-level and replace your old gear. But those expansions come out every couple of years, not every couple of months. WoW received a substantial expansion in 2014, but its previous

780 recommended? That's gonna alienate a lot of pc gamers.

It looks like another Archeage. Fun mechanics, extensive pvp, but no pve content.

I host multiple properties on Airbub. Never once have I been given a guests credit card. Airbnb charges the guest and transfers funds to the host's bank account.

I bought the Sony Xperia Z3 Compact. It's the only phone with a reasonable size and form factor that isn't a budget offering or compromises on hardware features.

Well whatever player base this game still has is now probably going to get smaller.

Recently returning to WoW. Do I need to get the legendary cloak? I keep hearing people talk about it but idk if I have the time to finish it before 6.0

Well shit looks like I was right. Gear progression ends once you hit level 30. Even the expansions don't increase the best-in-slot gear stat cap. There's no content that requires better gear. Raids are still lvl 28.

I have no friends who have a ps4. So I made new friends on r/destinythegame and destinylfg.net. My friend list now has 50 more people than before, and I've met a bunch of people in my neighborhood who I play with (lag minimizing matchmaking ftw). We're doing the raid and I have to say there's nothing more bonding than

Blender is free. My friend uses it to make TF2 items

A new car will get you laid though.

or maybe you're discover a hidden love for 2000 player fleet battles

he looks like a tard

gotta love how every time there's news about china doing something, american response (look below)= china must have taken shortcuts. i'm surprised no one mentioned anything about this bridge being a cheap knockoff.

rich nerds can afford retractable curtains and a nice patio

he went to school for that. someone hire him!

with incarna coming out in the summer where people can walk around in all the space stations, eve might just go from the indie dev company funded by grandmother's house mortgage into the mmo company that gets the attention it deserves. Eve is one of the oldest thriving mmo's in the market.

this is what happens when people die/are disabled after one or 2 bullet wounds.