netflix for $9 with the up coming streaming only plan seems a lot better than hulu plus
netflix for $9 with the up coming streaming only plan seems a lot better than hulu plus
@Curiously Flamboyant Sheep 2: I'm all out of bubble gum.: well then I predict a quick price drop within a few weeks. lol Why do you think EA dropped the price of BC2 down to $29 when MW2 is still $60 and people are still buying it like hot cakes (top seller on steam ever since it's release last year). And MW2 on PC…
Please make the gun unlocks and upgrades last longer than half way up your level cap. I unlocked every gun there was to unlock in Bad Company 2 by level 24. C'mon guys.
Lol I used to live in hinsdale!!!
@enagamer: yea same here. if you search for fable 2, it comes up as $20
wonder what lol has to say bout this...
mcdonalds has been secretely making the burgers safe for hobos to eat and for them to endure nuclear winters and zombie outbreaks. lol
if this and printing are the only things that come with 4.2, i'm not updating. i wonder if there's any major bug fixes
@CubemonkeyNYC: not gonna happen. no standard hardware for android means nightmares for devs
@nolabar10der: yea it's really annoying. we use jaunty at my office, and hibernate/sleep doesn't work on a single computer there. :-(
does hibernate/sleep work yet? also, is it any easier to install printer drivers? if not, i'm sticking with my jaunty. sooooo much effort to set up my wireless printer.
you have to open the limerain app to install cydia, and then hit uninstall limerain to uninstall it
@Melde: i'm pretty sure the captivate doesn't allow any kind of sideloading at all
and the captivate gets pwned cuz it can't sideload. lol
lol iphone 4 still wins.
lol America has an annual fee for firefighters now. lmao fail
lol xbox players pwned
$20 for this huh? i don't know....
when this thing releases it's iphone app, i'll actually buy some games. i don't need it on my hp envy 15. it's more than enough to run everything that's out on high anyway
@Evilsoda: What really sucks is if you buy this for PC, you can't sell it without selling your entire EA account. Tried to sell BC2, didn't work. So if it does suck, well, there goes $60