Holy shit. I really thought you were joking about the Maryland flag. This thread has been surprisingly educational.
Holy shit. I really thought you were joking about the Maryland flag. This thread has been surprisingly educational.
Just about every car has the flag represented in some manor. most are crab shaped.
Blues bandwagon fan, the worst.
I’m reminded of the remake of ‘The Thing’, where it’s DAMNED hard to kill the alien. I hope we don’t have to nuke the USA to make sure the Trumpette is dead....
Because Trump will say and do anything, he’s essentially a blank slate upon which people have projected their own bullshit ideals. And getting people to reject their personal truth is nearly fucking impossible. Confirmation bias is a helluva drug. That’s why it’s just painful to watch the “establishment GOP” and the…
The GOP has been building up their constituency to support candidate like this one for decades. He ain’t going away any time soon and, if he does, he’ll be replaced with someone even worse.
His amateurish ignorant dumbassed bullshit is seen as a PLUS by his mouthbreathing knuckledragging jackwagon fans.
Maybe Trump IS an impregnable (possibly mithril?) sack filled with cockroaches.
he will try to run in Hell
Like death, the Trump campaign has always been with us. And it will never go away.
This is the fucking correct opinion jesus what is wrong with you people.
Bullshit. Tabasco breaks down less in recipes, I swear to you. But I keep Crystal around, so come on by, sister.
MARIE SHARPS IS AMAZING and everyone needs to try it. Life changing.
Buying a Honda Insight is still the worst decision he’s ever made, a problem somehow solved by the second worst decision he’s ever made.
Never change.
Sandwiches would naturally go extinct to be replaced by the clearly superior panini and wrap.
“how am I supposed to know that throwing stones and branches isn't some kind of elaborate feminist mating ritual??"
And they are degenerates.
They hate women.