
Upstate New York is basically the south anyway

He later turned his attention to the enemy of all yogurtmen, sour cream, and declared that it “has no reason for being.”

We don't do that in my house. He just moves. I don't do surveillance at all. But I'm told that Christians believe in a God who watches them all the time and then decides where they will spend eternity based on their actions. Methinks the surveilling elf is just God Jr. Samesies for Santa.

No, his ideology, meaning his conservatism. And that ideology most certainly is heavily reflected in his writings.

There’s no doubt that Scalia has a fine legal mind

FYI, this is patronizing. This is the political equivalent to ‘why do Black people riot in their own neighborhoods’? Or ‘Why aren’t these Black people able to make sound judgements about their future?’ A

I don’t think Moss could handle another woman down in the basement office with him.

It’s gotten to the point that if you haven’t been insulted by Trump, you should feel slighted. He’s obviously unfairly singling you out by not insulting you...yet.

He’s a witch. I’m serious. I’m reading The Witches by Stacy Schiff and the parallels between his “campaign” and the Salem madness is uncanny.

Cokie Roberts was on NPR this morning, and she said “As we’ve seen, facts don’t matter” in absolutely the most even-handed tone ever, and I had to reflect on the fact that I can’t even think those words without wanting to scream. Which is why Ms. Roberts is a journalist and I am an internet commentator.

This is what I figure. Leave a baby at a nativity scene, that’ll get attention and people are bound to try and adopt him.

Right, if she wanted to make the news she’d stick around for a photo-op, no?

The baby is okay. That is all that matters.

The church may have been what was close by, and there is likely to be less surveillance then there would be at a hospital or firehouse. A woman in that situation is clearly desperate - I can’t judge or imagine what my decision making process would be if I were her. The baby is safe and that is what matters.

A church is a legit safe haven, according to the law.

In my jurisdiction, even without litigation hold letters, an attorney who advises a client to destroy evidence, including deletion of facebook posts or accounts, commits a violation of the rules of professional responsibility. While there is no obligation for the attorney to preserve evidence in a client’s possession

You’re in a jurisdiction that doesn’t recognize litigation hold letters?

This seems like a pretty strong pick, given that they only had a couple of days, and CLEARLY needed to get somebody in there.

Absolutely. You should no more trust a random commenter on the internet (i.e. me) than them.