
I didn’t realize how fucking delicious it would be to see Marco Rubio getting ripped a new one by his constituents, especially the teenage constituents. I literally swelled up with pride when watching them challenge him and Dana the gun lady face to face.

If they’re saying without legalized sale that a criminal can get gun anyway, I’d say prove it. Put a junior staff with clean record to buy an AR15 from the black market accompanied by a reporter in 2 days time at the same or cheaper price. Heck even 2 days is 1.5 days longer than how they could get it legally. And

I don’t know how to deal with this level of disgust.

Exactly! So much power is in the hands of those with one foot in the grave. All we have to do is give a little nudge to knock ‘em on their asses. They won’t be getting back up.

No one will see this since I’m permanently-gray, but I had to share.

This season is going to be SO DAMN good!

Oh, I can imagine. When I was in high school, I was a page at the state house in OKC. I was quite the pretty and slim young man in those days, and I dealt with:  men being extra handsy which they could just explain as innocent if I ever complained, outright groping and butt cupping, and in one instance, walking in a

I mean, playing the odds, it most likely was going to be a republican, but I did sorta wonder.

Two things: Adam Rippon is from my hometown, which makes me super extra proud of and thrilled for him. Also, I think his father just sent me a friend request on Facebook. It’s a small world, people!

This was the most reassuring thing I learned in my TA training. A lot of our labs require swipe card or key code access, and when the cops were going over active shooter info, we asked if shooting the lock would disable the locking mechanism. The cop was like “shooting any kind of lock doesn’t make it magically

You’re probably a troll, but fuck it and fuck you. I’m on the second floor of an inside hallway in a school surrounded by heavy wrought iron fence. You think I don’t fucking know we’re sitting ducks? But going outside and being visible is riskier than sitting in a dark classroom behind several doors. What we do is

I’m a high school teacher. On Thursday we had a scheduled lock-down drill. After this shooting, I took it upon myself to explain to my kids how very real and necessary the lock-down drills are to keeping them safe. I had to coach them on the safest places in the classroom to hide so they wouldn’t be seen from the

*to the tune of “White Christmas”*

I’m wishing for a freak gasoline fight accident...

I sure love the “dismiss” option! Bye Felicia!

The kicker is the Kochs have social skills. Mercer is reported to be a stone cold fucking weirdo and her father is worse.

Thoughts and prayers were reported near the scene at 3:20 PM today.

No, but I’ll check it out. Never posted on reddit before, actually outside of Jezebel and certain closed Facebook groups, I’m pretty social media shy.

Seriously fuck everyone who gave that Irritated Woman account a time of day. You shouldn’t be able to create a burner to air grievances against an individual, cite zero specific incidences where you’ve been mistreated by that person or they’ve done something wrong and be taken seriously.

I work with mostly women, all 40 and up. Our millennials give 0 fucks about what is going on in the office and its the older women who stir that pot.

Ahem. You left out the BEST PART. The conversation between Jax and Tom while Tom desperately tried on increasingly ridiculous costumes while they talked about life, then the cut to to Tom wearing something completely different with him saying “I have a guy I call in case of costume emergencies”.