
Awwww! You thought your “please list other instances” was gonna be a total checkmate, didn’t you? That’s adorable.

So after men’s slopestyle the studio guy apologized for bad language, and we rewatched it because we didn’t hear what was said. We still didn’t find anything after rewatching it. My brain must just filter by itself at this point.

I know. He and Tara and their sparkle-fabulosity (both outfits and commentary) are also my favorite part of the Olympics so far. NBC still not getting that they are going to need a tape delay if they don’t want joyful profanity making it onto the broadcast during X-games and X-games adjacent sports is my second

That boy is living proof of god taking a drunk bet on “how flamboyantly gay can we make one individual, and have it all still somehow work” a few years back. While I’m stoked for the rest of the programs for the skaters’ sake (hell of a slate this year), I just want to see the continued saga of how much glittery shit

You are thinking about French skate Surya Bonaly who could do a backflip and land on one skate.

I lied. 

at first i thought it was a monster bruise and was very concerned for her!

These kind of reactions to this moment have me a bit misty-eyed.

I’d want Judge Kara Brown to confirm, but that ain’t shade - I’d classify it as a read, but am open to correction.

No, you don’t understand. The bootstraps trickle down if you stop stealing from the job creators like an illegal immigrant gang member.

 It amazes me how Europe can be so over-regulated in some spaces but totally lax in things that affect the public good.

Yeah, this guy. I KNEW his name sounded familiar. Wikipedia recounts the previous story this maniac “starred” in. Read it and tell me if the guy shouldn’t have been gone long, long ago.

Frontal crotch grab > keep grasping > shake genitalia-laden hand.

As soon as Ohio gets off her shift she will join the and fray whoop the shit out of both of those state-shaped retirement homes.

Arizona is going to drunkenly challenge Florida to a fist fight in a Waffle House parking lot at 2am for the title of who’s the biggest national embarrassment 

Just to give you a picture of MSU’s lack of a response, the gymnastics team trainer had an athlete lodge a complaint to her that she thinks she was sexually assaulted. This trainer essentially told her to drop it or she could get in trouble. Then the only one she told about it was Nassar himself.

This shit happens all the time, and I’m sure a small business owner is annoyed AF. The conversion rates on influencer marketing are so low, particularly for mid-range price items (like hotels—it skip levels to trust fund babies for mega luxury items). Her review and an Instagram post are in no way worth the hundreds

Not even historical. If it has “billionaire” in the title, the odds increase by 50%.

She’s probably not bad for a Trump... which still leaves a lot of room for badness.

Hopefully Bannon rolls Trump’s bloated body under the Mueller bus.