
I believe him. I was once 30 minutes into a lesbian date before I realized what it was (I’m straight). I thought I was just meeting a new friend for dinner and jazz until she started rubbing my knee. She was a lovely person and I felt so simple and stupid for putting us both in that awkward position.

This same sort of thing happened to me, as a young lass. A long time friend / some time skull partner and I were goofing around with neckties, and the next thing you know, he whips out one of those disposable cameras (pre-digital era) and shoots a photo of me!

She stole them? You mean she broke into Laura Dern and Jennifer Aniston’s homes and bare-knuckle boxed them until she won. Then she tied up Billy Bob and Brad Pitt and ran off with them?

That home wrecker also stole Billy Bob Thornton from Laura Dern before the whole Aniston-Pitt thing.

You’re right. Those Seventies romances actively promoted the idea that you weren’t really a woman if you felt a need to compete with men. All of those books hammered home that “men were men” when they were dominating women and “being the boss.” So, even if they got a little rapey with you, if you wanted a man then you

After I wrote the above, I got curious and decided to download free romances from Amazon to see how they’ve been affected by #MeToo. I was fascinatedly appalled all over again to find the same lack of self-respect in the heroines who find it attractive when men treat them with disrespect and sexually fetishize and

The whole Luke and Laura storyline on GH was that he was her rapist. And as a kid, I once found an old Harlequin where the same thing happened. At the beginning of the book she’s a naive young thing who gets raped, and then years later meets up with him again and it ends in a happy wedding. It’s so gross.

He was her fucking youth pastor. Don’t try to excuse him. JFC.

timberlake was what 12 when he joined disney, dont think he lived in the real world after that, nor did he go to college

If you saw the Dave Chappelle stand up, he made a point about this. Why say anything of support, if you’re only going to get shit about something you did in the past. Nobody is allowed to learn and grow from their mistakes.

He thanked his girlfriend while he was thanking people who worked on Fargo. I keep seeing a lot about this but honestly it’s not like he said “I’d like to thank my wife for being there for me for so many years, and my new girlfriend who lets me stick it in her vagina.” It’s pretty common for people to thank costars on

You know, at some point, we have to stop demanding perfection from people. If a guy had an incident with ONE woman TWENTY YEARS AGO where the allegation was DROPPED, to consider him a “bad” guy is pretty ridiculous. Let’s pull it back to being rational, people, this is how we end up being perceived as loony as the far

The Tobacco thing is a big question mark to me (and its not widely known) - its one thing to be a defense attorney for people accused of horrible crimes its another to essentially run cover for an industry which was knowlingly killing hundreds of thousands of Americans a year. At least you can tell yourself you’re

The fixation on the “white working class,” specifically. You’re welcome. 

I’m not so sure about Heitkamp anymore. I did vote for her enthusiastically while I still lived in ND. She did come around and vote no on DeVos (for all the good that did). But she did vote yes on Pruitt for EPA, which was devastating and awful. Granted, no matter who ended up in either position it would be terrible

I’m a Franken constituent, and I agree with your points. While I acknowledge this is a watershed moment, throwing out the accused’s opportunity to mount a defense makes me squeamish. While Dems plant a flag in the moral high ground, they are ceding too much acreage to the party of Trump, which has no qualms about

I would vote for Oprah in a heartbeat, because unlike some daddy-issued billionaires she did work her ass off for four decades to get where she is.

Oh dear, well that’s it I suppose. Everything she said is null and void! The women deserved it, nothing will change, and the real villain is Oprah and not the men committing the acts! Shut it down folks.

I watched his entire interview today and.....dude is trash. What else to say