
Manchin is conservative but if he gets primaried, that seat becomes safe republican. He is basically the only Democrat that can win in West Virginia and while he is more conservative that I’d like, it’s the best we can do in that state. I’m all for having more progressives in Congress but in some places, a centrist is

I was dating a guy recently, that I reallllly liked. Super nice guy, really sweet. About a month in, we’re talking one night and I don’t recall the context or how it came up, but he admitted to being a political troll on Reddit. I was so completely shocked and really bummed. There is definitely something wrong with

It’s like suddenly finding out Andy Dick groped some woman before he vomited on her.

Cats will never surprise you by turning out to be assholes because they never try to hide it. Not even as kittens. Their core essence is asshole. It’s like suddenly finding out Andy Dick groped some woman before he vomited on her. The only surprise would be the exact location it happened.

Added bonus: by the time a lot of the really awful and harmful provisions start to hit people (tax cuts expiring, estate tax expiring, deductions going away), the GOP are almost certainly going to be out of power. They will most certainly blame the Dems for the mess they created, and people have such a short memory

I live in his district and I don’t know a single person who voted for him; he totally screwed our district too, and the speculation is that the only reason he conceded to not run again is because he knew he wouldn’t win this go around and didn’t want to deal being a loser.

He won in 2010 by 800 votes, then had his district redrawn to favor a more Republican electorate.

I really don’t get this kind of trolling. It’s not funny or baiting anybody, it’s just wierd and dumb and amateur. It’s like an annoying child who thinks he’s funny but he’s not. I looked and the posts are minute upon minute for hours. How is that fun or satisfying for the troll? It’s just wierd.

In fact, Louie Gohmert does make Farenthold seem smart, and Ted Cruz does make him seem likable, so that might very well be the case.

Oh, c’mon; this does this look like someone who’s a creepy harasser?

Who wants to ask them if they know where the B12 in vitamin supplements comes from...?

B12 is easily supplemented, and in fact most of the B12 in commercial dog food comes from supplements fed to the livestock.

You clearly don’t have a fucking clue about what dogs eat as evidenced by your continued harping on by product meal. By product meal is simply rendered animal carcasses excluding beaks, feathers, hooves, etc. Pretty much what a wild canid would eat except that it is cooked. It doesn’t sound pretty, but it is meat

Before I got married, my husband and I made separate lists of goals we wanted to achieve throughout our marriage. Some years later, I found my list and saw only one thing had been achieved: the one thing we both happened to put down. Most of his list was done.

The DNC sent Booker down there and had robo-calls made from Obama to African-Americans Alabamians. Jones started his acceptance speech by thanking African-Americans first and as the campaign went on he had emphasized his (very real) accomplishment of helping put away some of the terrorists responsible for the 16th

*White Alabama did not even almost do the right thing!

Person who is massively not a fan of kids here. Even if I was appointed dictator for life I wouldn’t ban children from flights and mass transit. What kind of edgelord dickhead are you?

Yep, it was a Southwest flight and God, that’s just gross. Luckily I’ve had more positive experiences than negative ones on the whole. Most recently, a military chaplain was sitting on the aisle and I was at the window, empty seat in the middle. The descent was very turbulent and I was feeling sick and anxious. I had

A lot of the victims of airline abuse seem to have something in common... I can’t quite put my finger on it... if I think hard enough, I’m sure I’ll come up with the white answer.