I was raped. It was not “violent”. I had a lot of trauma because of it. You don’t have to have a guy with a knife jump out of the bushes. Also, the knowledge that it’s on film? Pretty fucking traumatic.
I was raped. It was not “violent”. I had a lot of trauma because of it. You don’t have to have a guy with a knife jump out of the bushes. Also, the knowledge that it’s on film? Pretty fucking traumatic.
There were senators there too. Rand Paul and Jeff Flake, for example. The Democrats were practicing a couple miles away. That baseball game is a really big deal here.
I made the same joke today!
I’ve also had taxis drive up on sidewalks, taxi drivers tell me they don’t drive women, and taxis that complain that my fare isn’t long enough the entire ride (that happens frequently at the airport—look, man, I’m sorry, but I have to get home, too). Taxi drivers that will not get off the phone. Taxi drivers who get…
I read “The Movie Spoiler” religiously for this exact reason.
Just coming to say that. The taxis are the worst. I had two cancel my ride to the airport, almost making me miss my plane, followed by a guy who didn’t know where Chinatown/the Verizon Center was. That’s when I switched 100% to Uber.
Nope! They pointed out the pollen count is super high (it is, this is like the highest pollen year ever). Again, I think it’s the gestational diabetes for me (I hope!). They say ICP makes you itch yourself bloody which sounds horrible.
I’m terrific of that particular problem and keep having my OB test me for it. That being said, I’m itchy often in general and have gestational diabetes which is likely the culprit of my pregnancy itching.
Well, they are anti-sex for pleasure for all women except their mistresses.
My friends were fairly homophobic when I was in middle and high school and none of our parents were or are. I think kids can just get that way sometimes and you have to actively work against it.
I live in DC, too, and within 2 days 2 of my friends had had people tell them “Trump is going to deport you”, one of them while walking through a crosswalk. Both are white so it was extra confusing.
First off, I find that incredibly insulting. If I could go to rehab and quit my disorder, I would love to do so. Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way. There is literally nothing I can do about it whereas an addict has options. One of my best friends is a heroin addict—we are not in the same boat.
Thank you! I’ve always had it so I don’t know any differently. Some days are worse than others. I’m lucky I have the type of my disorder I do—some of the other types have to worry about their aortas stripping away from their hearts (I was horrified when my cardiologist told me that). I get frustrated sometimes,…
I had that same experience happen except it was 2 pit bulls and we kicked them. The owner was mad we kicked his dogs who were attempting to maul my dog. I needed to get his dogs to go away in a way that didn’t hurt my dog, my husband, or myself.
Def. true. My in-laws are a good example. You would never guess that they were carrying but they almost always are. They also don’t drink and go to the shooting range regularly.
Yep, I’m a moderate, not a progressive and I think most of these people are terrible choices. Then again, until Hillary, I had never caucused for anyone who won the nomination (Bill Bradley!).
I might have been defensive. Just in case you don’t realize it— “calm down” has never caused anyone to calm down. I don’t care about you enough to get upset. I am truly glad you were able to get your condition under control and the hunt for a doctor who understands is usually a nightmare, one that gets worse…
Same. It got worse when they started controlling drugs that weren’t “controlled” before. My rheumatologist isn’t covered by my insurance, either, so these extra visits get very, very pricey.
I’m so sorry. That sounds absolutely awful—have you gotten the doctors who think you have a psych problem (I have). It’s so frustrating. I get that not all doctors understand rare disorders but they can certainly learn.