
As someone who went to an elite university and despite having gone to private schools throughout my life felt like I didn’t belong as a woc... yes people care.

I’m going to respond to you directly because this one really struck me as tone deaf. It is not my job or responsibility to give anyone the likes. I’m a good, supportive - I’ve been told annoyingly so- friend. If you tell me you want to run a marathon, I’ll help you chart out a fitness plan, I’ll call you in the

I’m responding to myself on this because a lot of people seem to be missing my point: namely that the reason why people find baby posts so annoying is because of volume, and that because it’s BABIES we’re supposed to be ok with people’s lack of self-awareness (I also don’t want to see your pee stick or marital bed, or

It’s not the event - it’s the frequency.

1. You're ignoring that the UC's have serious clout, and some (like Berkeley) count as "ivy like" For an out of state resident attendance at, say UC Berkeley, isn't cheap - it's 50K.


I didn't go to NYU.

Very few low income people have no choice but to go to NYU - it's a private institution.

I'm about a decade older than my younger sister. Tuition has doubled in the ten years or so since I finished college and she started. My Ivy league degree cost only 12k a year (sticker price of about 30k) more than she's paying for our home state university. When it came time for her to choose colleges, she got into

If you work on compost literature for the City of New York than you should know that red wrigglers are actually ideal for urban composters because they're uniquely suited to indoor composting (they die outside in winter though their larvae will overwinter) and allow you to easily keep your bin in the bathroom, under a

The larvae is responsive to temperature - the eggs hatch faster when it's warmer. In winter your place is cooler and the whole life cycle of storage is cooler so you probably eat them/dispose of them before they can hatch. Not true in summer. Similarly, a lot of the flies are probably hatching in your trash. I don't

Fly paper exists for a reason...any hardware store or home depot. Hang near where they congregate and where they emerge. Fruit flies emerge from the larvae on (often tropical) fruit. Keep your produce in the fridge and you shouldn't have a problem (and remove your trash every few days).

If you're talking about NYC that's a super specific slice of New York that isn't prevalent everywhere - not even in the crazy upper middle class neighborhood where I grew up in Queens and where it was super common for everyone to have a country house. I graduated from a tiny, local, catholic elementary school

Apart from drunk driving, most alcohol abusers are harmful to themselves. This isn't true of gun owners. Plenty of kids, and bystanders are killed by guns that were inappropriately stored by their owners. I'm writing this while sipping a beer, if I fall off my couch and die that's on me. But if my neighbor across the

I've only been to that Target once (Queens gal). The Target in flushing isn't bad, shelves are stocked etc, but it's not so amazing that it's worth making a point to get to. I don't live close to it, but I pass by it once a month or so on my way out to see my parents and I still don't stop - I just don't see the