
Except that's exactly what I said, to quote myself..

San Francisco is not that big. Population wise it's on par with Indianapolis and Columbus, OH neither of which has particularly fantastic mass transit, because those cities are much bigger geographically. San Francisco has a relatively large population in a small space (~46 sqmiles) which makes mass transit feasible,

I lived in a rural town for awhile - it took me fifteen minutes to drive to the closest supermarket, 25 to the better one. A milk run could take an hour. Target was an hour drive away. I live in Queens so I don't have much need for big box retailers anyway - my local homegoods type store and supermarket are price

In NYC you talk to strangers (in line for example, or when really pod at the subway), but you don't just say hello to everyone you pass on the street. Ain't nobody got time for that.

the bitchiest driver I've ever seen in NYC had a PA license plate. She tried to run a yellow/red at a midtown intersection and didn't realize that pedestrians rule the city and got stuck in the crosswalk by people who refused to let her through. Super not nice about it even though she was super in the wrong.

I've met a lot of people - adults - who don't realize that cold sores/fever blisters are indeed contagious. Thanks so much for taking the comment in the spirit it was given and not with crass condescension.

I've met a lot of people - adults - who don't realize that cold sores/fever blisters are indeed contagious. Thanks

it really is. I read about it in one of Taylor Branch's three part history of America, and the civil rights movement, in the King Years. Branch is white - Georgia born, and the first book, "Parting the Waters" won the Pulitzer. On the one hand, as a black woman I can be like of course a white man gets the credit for

Fever blisters are cold sores (herpes simplex 1) ; while carmex can shorten their duration you may want to try Abreva when you feel one coming on (tingling). And please don't share your lip balm.

Fever blisters are cold sores (herpes simplex 1) ; while carmex can shorten their duration you may want to try

You should watch Liberty Heights...

Kids is basically how Chloe (and roasrio dawson) got their starts. It was also Harmony Korine's first writing credit. He's kind of awful, but in '95 when kids came out it was edgy and realistic in a way that nothing else was at that time - it was the counterpoint to Clueless and Empire Records sort of existed in

I actually created a burner just to respond to you about this. In 1964 Michael Schwerner , one of three freedom riders who rode in support of integration - Schwerner was a white male of Jewish heritage - as a klansmen pointed a gun in his face, about to murder him for his protest efforts in support of integration