
I DESPISE mayo and like, you can’t just wipe it off. It’s there. Forever.

I can one up that. I don’t like tomatoes, but I will eat sliced tomatoes if I’m lazy. I don’t mind tomato sauce/marinara sauce, though my stomach doesn’t really like it anymore (serious acid reflux these days).

I know. I should have prefaced this by saying he meant in the sense that he thinks he is going to be forced to get gay married and abort babies.

I understand this point, but (and people feel free to correct me, I’m just repeating what others have told me because I don’t live there personally) the rioters don’t consider this to be their “community”. They see those buildings and companies as their oppressors in a sense - the places that wouldn’t employ them, the

My condolences.

It was asinine & caused nothing but pain & fear in their own neighborhoods.

Actually, Catholics were actively discriminated fairly recently in our country’s history (and I say this as a non-Catholic). JFK had to make a campaign promise not to take orders from the Pope in order to get elected.

I use Car2Go (lifesaver when my car was out of commission for a few weeks) and I think the only thing they have in place that could be considered a “safeguard” is the background check that is preformed when you sign up. One of my employees was denied membership and the only thing on her record is a speeding ticket; so

Yes, that makes it exactly like your own car in every respect.

Why should Car2Go have to do more to prevent drunk driving than the guys who will sell you the whole car?

Actually, I was Catholic and went to college in Springfield, MO. I still remember when they put Steak Night on Fridays and couldn’t figure out why all the St. Louis students were pissed. We all marched to the Dean of Students and pointed out that it was Lent. She was so confused. We tried to get a Catholic service on

Heck, even a kid who is used to sweetened foods can learn to like fruits and veggies. I was one such kid. In that one regard, I was a very easy child. I loved carrots and broccoli (baby trees) and peas and soybeans and green beans.

The conversation about picky eating always goes like this. It quickly devolves into, but my kid has autism. But we’re not talking about that, or sensory eating disorder, etc. Kids without issues can be raised to eat normal food. They may not always love it or devour all of it, but that’s no reason to fill their plate

But pumping kids full of slickly-marketed processed foods chock full of fat/sugar/salt that light up their brains like Christmas trees and make real food seem bland an unappealing in comparison is SO PROFITABLE! What are you, some kind of communist?

That.... doesn’t look the healthiest.

I stopped reading at “I used to toss little dove(s)“.

Bread to go along with the potato? Say what now?

Love toaster ovens! Got one years ago when my old slumlord refused to fix my oven and had no money to move.

I worked for a huge chemical company that banned microwave popcorn because too many people couldn't keep from burning it in the microwave :/