
And people are always like well, can’t you just wipe it off. And you’re like well I can, but the smell is still there and it changes the texture of the bread that it just touched, and if I dipped this bread in pee and I was like “well can’t you just wipe it off” you’d be like NO bishes cause the essence is still there

This is also true in Louisiana (drive thru dacquiris are a thing, and I’ve done it purely because IT IS SO INSANE). I live in NYC too and I joke that if you want to get mass transit funded nationwide just sell it on the promise of being able to get shit faced drunk AND not have to drive home. I spent a year in rural

Yeah I should have been clear that I meant “vegan mayo” but if you dislike a thing because of texture reasons the vegan equivalent designed to mimic said texture and flavor is not going to be any more appealing than the non-vegan version.

got it! :)

I have a pretty awesome allergist and I was like why are allergies so weird (since I have a weird set of OAS allergies myself) and he shrugged and goes nobody knows, bodies are weird. It actually made me feel better.

It’s kosher pareve. Kosher diets mean you can’t mix dairy and meat together. Kosher pareve products are “neutral” - they contain neither meat nor dairy. This wikipedia lays it out:

Cooking (and pickling) denatures (changes the shape of) protein structures. Food allergies are triggered by the protein structure present in food.

I literally just posted a condiment rant, how they’re so ubiquitous and I always get “surprise” condiments I didn’t ask for. I don’t mind mustard though and I actually like a good mustard crusted pork loin for example.

I have oral allergy syndrome to birch family pollens which means i won’t die but depending on the thing I’ll have varying bad reactions particularly to things that are uncooked. So I can have pizza because cooked tomatoes are fine, but raw tomatoes frequently but not always give me the mouth itch. Eggplant in

Dairy allergies are rare but also no joke - and I mean dairy not lactose intolerance. My friend’s son has routinely wound up at the hospital because people simply can’t wrap their head around being allergic to dairy. He’s now on a Kosher Pareve and vegan diet

I literally just said this with way more words.

In the same era where your parents where discriminated against for being Jewish, Catholics were discriminated for being Catholic. It was a big deal - a much bigger deal than Romney being Mormon in recent years - that JFK was a Catholic and there was huge speculation that the Vatican would be ruling America through

It does mean “jack shit” if the notion that being “respectable” will somehow save you from authoritarian violence (whether that be racist white power structures, or police power structures which overlap with but are also apart from racist structures). King despite being well educated, well groomed, and well spoken was

I had gator sausage. As an adult I’ve eaten a lot of arguably inappropriate meats including whale. This is the way (more or less) conch was prepared as a child: http://haitian-recipes.com/recipes/109_la… (my mom didn’t use so many store bought things in it) It’s stewed as opposed to fried which is how most people

Thanks for this! I do wish it was normalized to miles driven as opposed to population. New York skews so low because the state is heavily skewed by New York City which has the lowest rate of car ownership in the country: we don’t drive much. Still, this is leaps and bounds better than MADD’s thing. New Hampshire vs VT

Just so you know the data isn’t actually per capita it’s total per state and the percentages skew things significantly. Connecticut doesn’t have much to explain - in 2012 100 people died from drunk driving in comparison to 89 in Montana but CT has 4 times as many people as Montana does. If you’re going to die in a car

Is there a clerk or a user to make sure that you don’t drive your own car while drunk? Or to stop you from going to a traditional car rental while sober and then driving it while drunk?

I grew up in NYC right around the time Giuliana said that if you were caught drunk driving they’d take your car away. I grew up taking drunk driving super seriously and I don’t do it. I’ve noticed my friends who grew up without mass transit systems (and pricey cabs) are far more likely to drink and drive..

You were pretty normal, that’s the thing. In America we have this idea of “kid approved” foods that’s pretty problematic. My favorite meat as a child was tripe. I didn’t know what it was, but it’s kind of like soy in that it absorbs the flavors of what it’s cooked in, and has a texture that I adored (I literally

I’m not going on anecdotal evidence, I’m going on a broad range of literature from developmental psychology (specifically focused on children under the age of 5, over the age of five other factors start to kick in).