
And yet if you actually tried to stop the terrorists, you got a game over screen. If you tried to hide behind them like they were human shields (despite the fact that you're goddamn bullet magnet in these games) they never went down.

"There is a stupid moment in Advanced Warfare — but there've been stupid moments in nearly every Call of Duty game. Let's show off the atrocity of war by making the player mow down innocent civilians, Modern Warfare 2. Hey Modern Warfare 3, let's call to mind the 2005 tube bombings by blowing up the Davis family's

"However, it is possible that down the line Capcom will start selling item packs or rare resources for money."

Ah, but now you're thinking of a movie as a standalone business product. You have to remember that there are ALWAYS multiple movies being developed/released/pulling in a profit/losing money at any given time. Waiting to see if a single movie can warrant more investment down the road is time consuming and ultimately

Except by that logic, Hollywood can claim EVERY movie is an unprofitable flop... for the first week. But hey, initial returns, amirite?

And your friend is wrong. Its "Hollywood accounting".

"That armor doesn't look like anything any character has on Halo 2."

Nobody in Halo 3 has armor like that either. So what?

Hollywood already does conceal their sales figures at the box office. When they report on the success/failure of movies, they talk about the sales figures, not the number of tickets sold because different movie theaters charge different prices (and then theres IMAX and 3D...)

The Halo universe has had multiple armor types. Its just a matter of them rarely/only being seen in more recent games (to say nothing of the novels/comics).

I thought Conan got the point across pretty well.

Comparing Gundam to the latest mecha anime = Unacceptable

The 2 sides honestly isn't that complex if you stop and think about it.

When Gundam continues to put out new series; yes. We DO have to compare the latest mecha anime to Gundam.

They wanted to before. They decided it was better to buy off the founder, so it never happened .

He does. He just has a multi-billion dollar corporation with a multi-million dollar PR department to shield him from them.

Because PC gaming is dead. Haven't you heard?

Psychopaths can smile too. They don't necessarily mean it.

"Now is when people are realizing that even Call of Duty has a more satisfying PvE coop than Destiny, with a far better story."

And yet in his post CoD's horde mode singlehandedly dwarfs the entirety of Destiny.